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目的 通过收集全国较大范围内母乳喂养新生儿生理性黄疸的调查资料 ,得出我国新生儿黄疸胆红素的峰值和平均值 ,为临床诊断奠定基础。方法 采取统一课题设计、多中心协作的方法 ,对 875例足月新生儿自生后第 1天 (2 4小时内 )开始每天监测胆红素水平直至血清胆红素峰值达 6 8 4 μmol/L以下。对其中 56例血清胆红素峰值大于 2 2 0 5μmol/L者做脑干听力诱发电位的测定。结果  (1)足月新生儿出生后第 2 - 3天开始出现黄疸 ,第 5天达高峰 ,平均峰值为 2 0 4± 54 6 9μmol/L。血清胆红素峰值超过 2 2 0 5μmol/L者占 34 4 %。 (2 )不同地区 (P <0 0 1)及不同季节 (P <0 0 5)出生的新生儿其血清胆红素值差异有显著性。 (3)在围产因素中 ,新生儿早期的胆红素水平与胎龄 (P <0 0 1)、分娩方式 (P <0 0 1)、出生后 1- 3天的生理性体重下降 (P <0 0 0 1)及红细胞压积水平 (P <0 0 0 1)密切相关。结论 足月新生儿黄疸出现的时间与国内外其他报道相似 ,但平均峰值高于既往报道的局部人群的峰值 ,更明显高于西方国家的新生儿。血清胆红素峰值超过 2 2 0 5μmol/L者占 34 4 %。 56例血清胆红素超过 2 2 0 5μmol/L的足月新生儿的脑干听力诱发电位无异常发现。提示新生儿高胆红素血症的诊断标准应高于 Objective To collect the peak value and mean value of bilirubin in neonatal jaundice in our country through collecting the survey data of neonatal physiological jaundice in a large area nationwide and lay the foundation for clinical diagnosis. Methods A total of 875 cases of full-term newborns were monitored daily for bilirubin levels until the peak of serum bilirubin reached 6 8 4 μmol / L the following. Of 56 patients with serum bilirubin peak greater than 2 2 0 5μmol / L brainstem auditory evoked potentials were measured. Results (1) Jaundice started to appear on the 2nd to 3rd days of full-term newborn after birth and reached its peak on the 5th day with an average peak value of 204 ± 54 6μmol / L. Serum bilirubin peak more than 2 2 0 5μmol / L accounted for 34 4%. (2) There was significant difference in serum bilirubin between newborns born in different regions (P <0.01) and in different seasons (P <0.05). (3) Among the perinatal factors, the level of bilirubin in early neonates was significantly lower than that of gestational age (P <0.01), mode of delivery (P <0.01), and physiological weight 1-3 days after birth P <0.01) and hematocrit levels (P <0.01). Conclusion The full-term neonatal jaundice appears similar to other reports at home and abroad, but the average peak value is higher than the peak value of the previously reported local population and more significantly higher than that of western countries. Serum bilirubin peak more than 2 2 0 5μmol / L accounted for 34 4%. 56 cases of serum bilirubin more than 2250μmol / L of full-term neonatal brainstem auditory evoked potentials found no abnormalities. Tip neonatal hyperbilirubinemia should be higher than the diagnostic criteria
选择了“幼儿园教师”这一职业,就选择了要为孩子的一切负起全部的责任,哪怕付出自己宝贵的生命都义无反顾,无怨无悔!  2008年5月12日四川汶川发生大地震,许许多多普普通通的幼儿园教师,在生死存亡的关键时刻,没有忘记自己是幼儿园教师,是孩子们的庇护神,她们毫不犹豫地将生的希望留给孩子,勇敢地面对死神,用她们的英雄壮举诠释了“幼儿园教师”这一称呼的全部含义!  绵竹市遵道镇欢欢幼儿园80多名孩子正在
目的评价哮喘儿童系统管理教育和规范治疗跟踪随访观察结果.方法 320例患儿分管理组与对照组,分别进行不同治疗与观察.结果管理组有效率98.9%,哮喘发作次数、急诊次数和学龄儿童缺课天数较对照组明显下降.结论通过哮喘管理教育可以提高哮喘患儿对疾病认识水平,改善用药依从性,减轻症状,改善肺功能和提高生命质量.