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相信即使再过50年,2005年NBA总决赛第五场也依然会被奉为经典。离加时赛结束还有9.4秒,马刺以93:95落后,他们还有一次进攻机会。奥本山宫殿球场内的球迷把能想到的所有诅咒都用到了马刺身上。1.6秒后,吉诺比利从底线将篮球送到霍里手中……“No!No!”伴随着奥本山宫殿里球迷无奈的喊声,霍里的三分直入篮网,此时离比赛结束还有5.8秒,汉密尔顿还有机会再造传奇,可惜他让所有的活塞球迷失望了。老霍里的绝杀让奥本山宫的喧嚣瞬间沉寂,马刺拿下了生死攸关的第五场,把噩梦留给了活塞。霍里在职业生涯中一直在做同样的事。正如活塞主帅拉里·布朗所说:“他总是能在最关键的时刻将球送进篮筐,这就是他拥有那么多冠军戒指的原因。”ESPN给出了更高的评价:“霍里可能是NBA历史上最伟大的角色球员,他比罗德曼更可靠,比迈克尔·库珀更全能,比鲍比·琼斯更多产,即使是唐·尼尔森和科尔,都无法达到霍里的高度。”在NBA历史上,在最关键比赛的最关键阶段,往往会有小人物站出来贡献一个篮板球,一次抢断,一次助攻或者一次投篮,书写属于他们的传奇。他们不是球队的核心,他们平日不显山不露水,甚至长时间淹没在人群中,但是在需要的时候,他们总会从巨星身后站出来,将冰冷的匕首刺进对手热血沸腾的心脏!现在,就让我们一起回顾NBA历史上最伟大的角色球员们的表演。 I believe even after 50 years, the fifth NBA Finals in 2005 will still be regarded as a classic. 9.4 seconds beyond the end of overtime, the Spurs to 93:95 behind, they also have an offensive chance. Fans at the Palace of Auburn Hills Stadium use all the curses they can think of on the Spurs. 1.6 seconds later, Ginobili from the bottom line to the Horley basketball ... ... “No! No!” With the helpless speech of the fans in the palace of Auburn Hills, Horry’s third straight into the Nets, then away from the game There are still 5.8 seconds to end, Hamilton has the opportunity to recreate the legend, but he disappointed all the Pistons fans. Old Horry’s lore to the noise of the quiet Auburn Hills silence, the Spurs won the fifth game of life and death, the nightmare left to the Pistons. Horry has been doing the same thing in his career. As Pistons coach Larry Brown said: “He can always get the ball in the basket at the most crucial moment, which is why he has so many championship rings.” ESPN gives a higher rating: It may be the greatest role player in NBA history, he is more reliable than Rodman, more versatile than Michael Cooper, more productive than Bobby Jones, even Don Nelson and Cole, "In NBA history, at the most crucial stage of the most crucial game, there are often small people standing out to contribute a rebound, a steal, an assist or a shot, writing their legend. They are not the core of the team, they do not show the mountains on weekdays, even for a long time submerged in the crowd, but when needed, they always stand behind the star, the cold dagger pierced the opponent’s heart! Now , Let us review the performance of the greatest role players in NBA history.
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