
来源 :海河水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:show_me_the_money
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1 全市水利系统兴办经济实体所面临的形势廊坊市水利系统创办经济实体已经12个年头。经过市场疲软、激烈竞争、资金短缺、人才缺乏等严重困难和考验,取得了稳步、长足的发展,一年一个台阶,表现了顽强的生命力。12年来,我市水利创办经济实体曾多次受到水利部、省水利厅、市委、市政府的表彰和奖励,在全省水利系统小有名气。据统计,经过12年的艰苦努力,创总产值2亿5千万元,获利税3910万元,1991年底有固定资产2920万元,流动资金1322万元,从业人员2102人,分为56个行业、265个企业摊点。1991年,在激烈的竞争中,全市仍然取得了总产值和利税同步突破性增长 1 The situation faced by the city’s water conservancy system and the establishment of economic entities The economic entity of the water conservancy system in Langfang City has been established for 12 years. After a period of sluggish market, fierce competition, shortage of funds, lack of talents, and other serious difficulties and tests, we have achieved steady and long-term development. We have achieved a year-to-year growth and have demonstrated tenacious vitality. In the past 12 years, the city’s water conservancy economic entities have been commended and rewarded by the Ministry of Water Resources, the Provincial Water Resources Department, the Municipal Party Committee, and the municipal government for many times, and they are well-known in the province’s water conservancy system. According to statistics, after 12 years of hard work, the total output value reached 250 million yuan and the profit tax was 39.1 million yuan. At the end of 1991, there were 29.2 million yuan in fixed assets, 13.22 million yuan of liquidity, and 2,102 employees, divided into 56 Industry, 265 enterprise booths. In 1991, in the fierce competition, the city still achieved a simultaneous breakthrough in total output value, profits and taxes.
有人认为,地勘单位只有基层“活”了,地勘单位才能“活”。这种认识有一定片面性。我们应当把地勘单位作为一个系统来考察。 Some people think that only the grassroots
据预测,1992年全国建材及建筑钢材俏销的势头仍会继续。 1.“八五”期间,全国计划要安排住宅建设7.5亿平方米。 2.灾后重建工作所需建材及建筑钢材较多。据测算,全国9省市水
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陶量同志在《价值工程》杂志创刊十周年大 会上的开幕词………………………………张宝明同志给庆祝《价值工程》杂志创刊十 周年会议的贺词……………………………宋叔华同志