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  1.__________(从那时起),she never felt reallywell again.(moment)
  2.if________(从没想到)to him that his wifewas suffering from cancer.(occur)
  3.I had some difficulty in_______(执行)theplan.(carry)
  4.You will have_______(对……负责)yourbehavior one day.(answer)
  5.I've read the whole book_______(从头到尾)and still can't understand it.(beginning)
  6.He had no idea_________(读哪一本书)first.(which)
  7.The island_____(与……连接)themainland by a bridge.(joia)
  8.Anyone________(对……感兴趣)joining theclub should contact us at the addressbelow.(interest)
  9 I'm looking forward to________(收到你的来信).(hear)
  10.Much_______(使每人吃惊),she passedthe exam with distinction.(to)
  11.Public pressure_______(保护环境)isstrong and growmg.(protect)
  12.His English is improving_______(一点一点地),thanks to the help of the foreignfriend.(little)
  13.________(一般说来),the more expensive thecamera,the better its quality.(speak)
  14.I________(留言)on your ausweringmachine when you were out.(message)
  15.The accident________(给我教训)I'll neverforget.(lesson)
  16.I'm definitely________(支持你)in this.(side)
  17.Do you have_____(放计算机的地方)on your desk?(room)
  18.________(为了欣赏风景)Irene wouldrather spend long hours on the train thantravel by air.(enjoy)
  19.Steve________(像平常一样),was the lastto arrive.(usual)
  20.If was______(直到)I had read your letterthat I understood the true state of affairs.(until)
  21.Several new railways are______(建设中)in China.(under)
  22.I had never met him before though I hadoften heard people______(谈起)him.(talk)
  23.If you miss a lot of classes,it's verydifficult______(赶上).(catch)
  24.The UN has_______(号召)both sides toobserve the ceasefire.(call)
  25.His theory was too advanced for______(大多数人不懂)(understand)
  26.He had a large family to support and hiswages were low;however he managed_______(量入为出).(meet)
  27.Cape Verde is and African country______(由…组成)10 main islands and 5 tinyones.(consist)
  28.Could you tell me how many of you aregoing to take part in the sports meetwhich is soon______ (举行)in ourschool?(hold)
  29.There was so nlueh to do.He had_______(熬夜)a11 night.(stay)
  30.Please see that the work_____(按时完成).(complete)
  31.Will you be______(路过)the supermareton your way home?(pass)
  32.He arrived_______(刚才),while you wereout.(now)
  33.He isn't here now-could you______(再打电话来)later?(ring)
  34.If you______(更专心)in class,you mightaetually learn something!(attention)
  35.The bicycle was_______(无法修理)andI'll have to buy a new one.(beyond)
  36.They will always remember the soldierswho died______(为保卫)their country.(defence)
  37.I was______(失望)that the other guestswere not coming. (disappoint)
  38._________(用…衡量)the ordinary standards,he was reliable. (judge)
  39._______(计算机的发明)has revolutionizedthe business world.(invention)
  40.It'll be some time before supply cankeep up with the_____(不断增长的需求).(increase)   41._______(我荣幸地)to introduce our guestspeaker today.(pleasure)
  42 We do not fully understand______(大脑如何构成).(organize)
  43.I bought a new house last year,but I_______(没有卖)my old house yet.so atthe moment I have two houses.(sell)
  44.Do you______(请人送牛奶)or do you goto the shop for it?(have)
  45.The house_________(搜查)and a number ofstolen articles have been found.(scareh)
  46.Why do you keep looking back?Are youafraid of________ (跟踪)?(follow)
  47.I wonder who broke the wineglass;it_________(不可能是那只猫)for she was outall day.(can)
  48.Stern put Travis_______(负责)theresearch team.(charge)
  49.They asked him to leave_______(换句话说)he was fired.(word)
  50.Have you lead the_______(全集)of Lu Xun?(work)
  Keys:1.From that moment on 2. neveroccurred 3.carrying out 4.to answer for 5.from beginning to end 6.which book to read/he should tead 7.is joined to 8.(who is)interested in 9.hearing from you 10.to ev-eryone's surprise 11.to protect the environ-ment 12.little by little 13.Generallyspeaking 14.left a message 15.taught/gave me a lesson 16.on your side 17.roomfor a computer 18.To enjoy the scenery 19as usual 20.not until 21.under construction22.talk about 23.to eateh up 24.(called on25.most people to understand 26.to makeboth ends meet 27.consisting of 28.to beheld 29.to stay up 30.is completed in time31.passing by 32.just now 33.ring back34.paid more attention 35.beyond repair36.in defence/defense of 37.disappointed38.Judged by 39.The invention of the com-puter 40.increasing demand 41.It gives me(great)pleasure 42.how the brain is orga-nized 43.have not/haven't sold 44.haveyour/the milk delivered 45.has beensearched 46.being fullowed 47.couldn't/can't have been the eat 48.in charge of49.in other words 50.complete works.
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第一部分: 听力(略)  第二部分: 英语知识运用  Ⅱ. 单项填空:(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  21. —Dear me! I’ve been in America for a month.  —________you have settled,why don’t you take up some serious study?  A.If  B.Now that  C.When  
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