
来源 :科学中国人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iamup
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信息化教学是我国教学改革重要成果之一,其是提高教学质量的重要途径。本文笔者通过相关文献的阅读与自己教学实践的总结对高中地理实施信息化教学法进行了思考。研究结果认为,信息化教学却具有可图文并茂、构建多元教学模式、创设有效学习情境以及便于突破重点与难点的优势。 Informationization teaching is one of the important achievements of our country’s teaching reform, which is an important way to improve teaching quality. The author of this article through the reading of the relevant literature and his own teaching practice summary of high school geography information technology teaching thinking. The result of the study shows that informatization teaching has the advantages of being able to graphically and graphically, constructing a diversified teaching mode, creating an effective learning situation and facilitating the breakthrough of key points and difficulties.
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小绿叶蝉[Empoasca flcvescens(Fabricius)]是茶树的主要害虫。为了研究其雌性生殖系统构造及卵巢分级标准以在测报上得到应用,我们于1985年4~8月对该虫进行了卵巢解剖,现将
1985年以来,我们在湖南省长沙、石门等9个县(市)的4—8年生猕猴桃栽培园和石门、酃县、攸县等野生猕猴桃区开展了害虫调查,并进行了防治试验。 一、主要害虫种类及其为害 几
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.