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思想政治工作是经济工作和其他工作的有力保证,也是档案工作的有力保证。因此,我们各级档案部门,都必须大力加强和改进思想政治工作,都要按照邓小平同志的教导去做,“一定要把思想政治工作放在非常重要的地位,切实认真做好,不能放松。”一、提高认识,把思想政治工作提到重要议事日程上来统一、提高对思想政治工作的认识,是做好思想政治工作的—个关键问题。为什么当前在档案系统中,特别强调要加强思想政治工作呢?我们认为: 1、这是当前国际、国内政治斗争的需要。去年春夏之交的那场政治风波证明,国际上的敌对势力企图采用“渗透”、“和平演变”的伎俩,妄图改变我国社会主义性质。国内阶级斗争在一定时间和范围内, Ideological and political work is a powerful guarantee for economic and other work and a potent guarantee of archival work. Therefore, all our archival departments at all levels must vigorously step up and improve their ideological and political work. All of them must follow the teachings of Comrade Deng Xiaoping. “We must place ideological and political work in a very important position. We should conscientiously and earnestly do well and can not relax.” First, to raise awareness, to bring the ideological and political work to the unanimous agenda, and to improve our understanding of the ideological and political work is the key issue for doing a good job in ideological and political work. Why is the current stress on the ideological and political work in the archival system? We think: 1. This is the need of the current international and domestic political struggles. The political storm at the turn of last year proved that the international hostile forces are trying to adopt the trick of “infiltration” and “peaceful evolution” in an attempt to change the nature of our socialism. Within a certain period of time and scope, the domestic class struggle,
红古区档案馆于3月6日召开了档案装具使用现场会。会上邀请区委档案员邹晓维同志作了现场示范和经验介绍。副区长史贤尧、政府 Red old district archives on March 6 held