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随着我国经济的快速发展和城市建设水平的提高,全国掀起了绿化高潮。在绿化中起着主体作用的苗木,尤其是绿化用的大苗,一段时间以来缺口很大。特别对具有观赏性树种的需求不断增加,而国内的一些苗圃难以保证供给,因此,近几年来我国进口绿化、美化用的林木种子、苗木的种类与数量骤然上升。与此同时,也带动了我国绿化苗木出口的增长。我国进口的绿化苗木种类主要有针叶树、色叶树、观花树、观叶树、速生树、艺术造型树及盆景树等。出口的绿 With the rapid development of our country’s economy and the improvement of the level of urban construction, the country has set off a greening climax. Seedlings that play a major role in greening, especially large-scale seedlings for greening, have had a large gap for a period of time. In particular, there is an increasing demand for ornamental tree species, and it is difficult to guarantee the supply of some nurseries in the country. Therefore, in recent years, the types and quantities of tree seeds and seedlings used for greening and landscaping imported from China have suddenly increased. At the same time, it also led to the growth of China’s export of green seedlings. The types of green seedlings imported by China mainly include coniferous trees, colored leaf trees, flower-seeing trees, foliage trees, fast-growing trees, art-style trees, and bonsai trees. Green export
leave 是一常用动词,使用频繁,含义甚多。某些结构和短语有似是而非之处,需加以细辨。例 leave Shanghai 与 leave for Shanghai,leavesb.doing...与 leave sb.to do...等等
HAIR TYPE 头发类型(一) Dry hair looks dull, feels dry, tangles easily, and is difficult to comb or brush, particularly when it is wet. It is often quite thick
CHINA’S trade surplus isheading for an all-timehigh in 2005, for the 11thyear running. A recent re-port issued by the StateInformation Center’s Macro-economyM
全球第一家、也是惟一以面包莲锁店事业上市的新加坡面包物语(Bread Talk)集团在海外的版图不断扩大,近日,它的全球第100家分店将在上海开业。公司还计划,在未来3年内在全球
由look所想到的徐美兰look,gaze,glance,peer,stare,glare和peep这组词都指眼睛转向某物,或者想看或者想传达一种特定的意义或情感。1.look是最通用的词,其意义是:将视线集中于某物。(1)Theylookedatt... The words look, gaze, glance, peer, s