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在六月下旬召开的全运会工作会议上,针对体育赛风问题,国家体育总局局长袁伟民指出:不良赛风是体育界的行业不正之风,是一种腐败现象,一定要下决心深抓、狠抓。袁伟民局长说:赛风问题是一个社会问题,也是一个政治问题,它有多种表现形式。这些年来,总局抓了两个重点:一是兴奋剂问题,一是裁判员公正执法问题。经过几年的综合治理,采取了多种措施,应该说是有成效的,但也存在一些问题和不良倾向,应予以高度重视。袁伟民特别强调,反兴奋剂工作是九运会工作的重点。截至今年5月31日体育总局进行了1752例兴 At a working conference held in late June in the National Games, in response to the issue of sports competitions, Yuan Weimin, director of the General Administration of Sport of China, pointed out: Bad race is an unhealthy trend in the sports industry and a corrupt phenomenon. We must make resolute efforts , Pay close attention. Yuan Weimin said: The issue of the race wind is a social problem as well as a political issue. It has many forms of expression. In recent years, the Administration has arrested two key points: First, doping problems, first, the impartiality of the referee issues. After several years of comprehensive management, various measures have been adopted, which should be said to be effective, but there are also some problems and undesirable tendencies that should be given high priority. Yuan Weimin stressed in particular that anti-doping work is the focus of the Ninth National Games. As of May 31 this year, General Administration of Sports conducted a total of 1752 Hing
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例5.生endocytotic vesicle prim-ary lysosome 融合secondary lysosome形成,LDL 构成成分分解,蛋白酸,遊离脂肪酸。 Example 5. Formation of secondary endosomes, LDL c
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