精心编著当代地方简史 努力为两个文明建设服务

来源 :黑龙江史志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snoopy_cp
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我们齐齐哈尔市是在1994年下半年着手进行当代地方简史编写工作的。在当代黑龙江简史编委会的指导下,在市委、市政府和各县领导的重视、支持下,齐齐哈尔市及所属9县(市)当代地方简史编写工作已普遍展开。目前,市县两级均已成立起编辑机构,拟定了编写纲目,正在全面搜集资料。其中甘南、泰来、依安、富裕等县已经开始撰稿,有的任务已完成过半。市《简史》编辑部也落实了目标责任制,编写工作正在抓紧进行,年底前可望拿出初稿。 We in Qiqihar started in the second half of 1994 with the preparation of a brief history of contemporary local history. Under the guidance of a brief history editorial committee of contemporary Heilongjiang Province, the compilation of a brief history of local places in Qiqihar and the 9 counties (cities) under its jurisdiction and support of municipal Party committees, municipal governments and counties has been widely carried out. At present, the city and county have set up editorial agencies at both levels, drafting a compilation of the outline, is a comprehensive collection of information. Among them, Gannan, Tailai, Yi’an and Wealthy counties have begun to write articles, and some tasks have been completed more than half. The editorial department of “A Brief History of the City” has also implemented the target responsibility system. The compilation work is being carried out with great efforts and the first draft is expected to be produced before the end of the year.
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