近期,南昌市公安系统有三位民警相继因公壮烈牺牲了,他们是为社会安宁、保护国家和人民生命财产而不幸牺牲的安宁、黄海根、聂平同志。英雄们的壮举,赢得了广大人民群众的深深痛惜和无限缅怀。在这里,我代表市委、市政府以及全市人民,对三位牺牲了的民警同志表示深切的追念和沉痛的袁悼,并向他们的家属致以崇高的敬意和亲切问候。 三位品质高尚的民警生前都有着一串串闪光的事迹,他们又为人民而死,死得其所,死得
Recently, three policemen in the public security system in Nanchang City have successively sacrificed their lives for their heroic lives. They are the peace and fortune of their sacrifice for the sake of social peace and the protection of the life and property of the country and its people. Comrade Huang Haigen and Nie Ping. Heroes of the feat, won the majority of the people deep pity and infinite memory. Here, on behalf of the municipal party committee, the municipal government and the people of the whole city, I expressed my profound memory and painful sacrifices to the three police officers who were sacrificed and paid my highest regards and cordial greetings to their families. The three honorable men of the police all had a series of flash deeds in their lifetime, and they died for the people, died and died