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在金融风暴引起的全球经济危机影响下,各行各业战战兢兢地渡过了艰难的2008年寒冬,迎来了2009年新春。但是,新春伊始,金融危机并没有随着春天到来而让我们看到前面的曙光,反倒是“乍暖还寒”的料峭让我们依然感到丝丝凉意。电源行业在其上下游产业的风波动荡中也面临着诸多不利因素。中国政府果断决策拉动内需的经济措施给各行各业注入一些生机,其中酝酿多时的3G终于在春天绽放出动人的花蕾。那么,3G到底是什么?3G能帮助电源行业迎来又一个春天吗?抑或是带来国际国内电源行业重新洗牌,导致几家欢喜几家愁?中国电源业在国际电源产业格局调整中将扮演什么角色?在行业洗牌过程中各主流企业已经做出和即将做出哪些调整战略?中小型企业生存之道又在哪里? 3G产业又将在世界范围内催生哪些电源子行业?哪些子行业将渐次淡出?3G是电源产业的“救命稻草”还是“扳道工”?本文试着为您解读个中玄机。 Influenced by the global economic crisis caused by the financial turmoil, all walks of life have trembled with painstaking hard winter in 2008 and ushered in the new year of 2009. However, from the beginning of the new year, the financial crisis did not show the dawn ahead of us with the arrival of spring. Instead, it was “surprisingly cold” that we still feel the slightest chill. Power industry in its turmoil in the turmoil in upstream and downstream industries are also faced with many unfavorable factors. The Chinese government has taken a decisive step in stimulating domestic demand by economic measures to inject some vitality into all walks of life, including brewing for a long time 3G finally blooming in the spring budding buds. So, 3G in the end is what? 3G can help the power industry usher in another spring? Or to bring the international and domestic power industry to re-shuffle, leading to several happy a few worry? China power industry in the international power industry pattern adjustment What role to play in the industry during the reshuffle of the major companies have made and are about to make what adjustment strategy? Small and medium-sized enterprises survive where? 3G industry in turn will be spawned in the world which power sub-sectors? Which sub The industry will gradually fade out? 3G is the power industry, “life-saving straw” or “switchman”? This article tries to explain a mystery for you.
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