,Rapid and Efficient Gene Modification in Rice and Brachypodium Using TALENs

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Dear Editor,In the past few years,the use of sequence-specific nucleases for efficient targeted mutagenesis has provided plant biologists with a powerful new approach for understanding gene function and developing new traits.These nucleases create DNA double-strand breaks at chromosomal targeted sites that are primarily repaired by the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) or homologous recombination (HR) pathways.NHEJ is often imprecise and can introduce mutations at target sites resulting in the loss of gene function.In contrast,HR uses a homologous DNA template for repair and can be employed to create site-specific sequence modifications or targeted insertions (Moynahan and Jasin,2010).
1999年10月,国际著名的英文杂志“J NeuroscienceResearch”(神经科学研究)登载了一篇脑内存在一个新区域边缘区的结构与功能的文章,引起了国内外神经科学界的广泛关注.第一
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目的 探讨胸椎黄韧带骨化合并后纵韧带骨化、胸椎后凸畸形及硬膜囊粘连的处理策略及疗效.方法 2003年1月至2009年12月,采用半关节突椎板整块切除治疗35例胸椎黄韧带骨化患者,男32例,女21例;年龄43~73岁,平均54.7岁;骨化黄韧带限于中上胸椎者18例,累及胸腰段者35例.对多节段及跳跃型黄韧带骨化患者,结合临床及影像学表现确定责任节段.对多节段黄韧带骨化合并后纵韧带骨化或胸椎后凸畸形(
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