
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jwh777
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农村电价整顿是个动态过程,因而具有反复性,所以对电价管理必须常抓不懈。农村电价偏高的原因主要是:1、设备缺陷;2、管理不善;3、城乡电价政策上有差别等。农村电价高,群众有意见,要整顿、检查后电价降下来了,但稍一放松,前整后乱,“三乱”又有出现的可能。下面就电价管理谈几点看法: 一、整顿电价后出现的几个问题 1、在集中力量进行电价整顿的形势下,农村电价是普遍降低了,但是由于设备陈旧,电价就易出现反复。 2、不少村实行农村电工承包电价,造成电价由村电工一人说了算,电价就回升。 3、涨价的随意性,使整顿后的正常秩序易被打破。如1993年,电力系统调价两次,使刚刚稳定的电价随着电网调价又出现上升的势头,也易挫伤农村干部对电价管理的积极性。 二、稳定电价的措施 1、要把农村电价稳定在合理水平上,首先是各级领导要重视,特别是电力部门要把这项工作做为自己的职责,做到经常检查督促,当作电力“三为”服务的主要内容之一。 The rectification of electricity prices in rural areas is a dynamic process, and thus it is repetitive. Therefore, management of electricity prices must be carried out constantly. The main reasons for high rural electricity prices are: 1. Equipment defects; 2. Poor management; 3. Differences between urban and rural electricity pricing policies. The electricity price in the countryside is high, and the people have their opinions. The price of electricity will have to be reduced after they are rectified and inspected. However, once they relax slightly and become chaotic afterwards, “three chaos” may appear again. Here are some views on the management of electricity prices: First, several problems that occurred after rectifying electricity prices 1. Under the situation of concentrating on power tariff rectification, rural electricity prices are generally reduced, but due to outdated equipment, electricity prices are prone to be repeated. 2. In many villages, the rural electrician contracted electricity prices, resulting in the electricity price being decided by the village electrician. The electricity price rose. 3. The randomness of price increases makes it easy to break the normal order after rectification. For instance, in 1993, the price adjustment of the power system twice made the price of electricity that had just been stabilized rise again with the price adjustment of the power grid, and it was also easy to dampen the enthusiasm of rural cadres for the management of electricity prices. Second, the measures to stabilize electricity prices 1. To stabilize rural electricity prices at a reasonable level, first of all, leaders at all levels should pay attention to it, especially the power sector should take this work as its own responsibility, so that regular inspection and supervision, as electricity One of the main contents of the “three services” service.
名 称型号单价(元/kg)供货单位型号单价(元/kg)供货单位 醇酸清漆醇酸半光磁漆(白、蓝、灰) 醇酸无光磁漆(红) 醇酸底漆(铁红) 氪垫烘十清漆 黑色半光氨基烘漆221紫红绿氨基
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