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回眸一年来司法改革之途,一个个富含温情的词汇涌入眼帘:民意沟通、诉前调解、化解纠纷、息诉罢访、多元化解决机制、能动司法、和谐司法……与前些年司法改革走过的道路相比,本轮司法改革的目标更多强调:走专业化与大众化相结合的路子,不断解决中国面临的现实问题。寻遍世界各国司法发展的历史,恐怕很难用法律语言准确地翻译出上述词汇所对应的英文含义。但这一系列颇有“人情味”的改革举措,从一个侧面揭示了最高司法机关一年来,以及今后几年司法改革的方向和途径,也展现了本届最高司法机关的改革思路:“为大局服务,为人民司法。”盘点2009年司法改革的途径,本刊力图通过对今年以来影响颇大的几个典型范例的客观记录,从中折射出本届最高司法机关领导人的改革思路和法治取向。 Looking back on the road to judicial reform over the past year, the words that are rich in tenderness pour into the eyes: communication of public opinions, mediation before litigation, dissolution of disputes, petitions strike, diversified settlement mechanisms, active judiciary and harmonious judiciary ... As in previous years Compared with the path taken by judicial reform, the objective of the current judicial reform has been to emphasize more: taking the combination of specialization and popularization and continuously resolving the realities facing China. Looking over the history of the judicial development of all countries in the world, I am afraid it is hard to accurately translate the English meaning of the above-mentioned words in legal language. However, this series of quite “humane” reform measures reveal the orientation and approach of judicial reform in the past year as well as in the next few years from the one-sided perspective and also show the reform mentality of the highest judicial organ of this year: “Serving the General Situation and Serving the People’s Justice.” Taking stock of the ways of judicial reform in 2009, the magazine attempts to reflect the reforms of the leaders of the highest judicial organs through objective records of several typical examples that have had a significant impact this year Way of thinking and the rule of law.
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我插队的那一年还不到14岁。其实算不上真正的插队,只是被忙于文革的父母送到县城附近的乡村,托贫下中农“代管”一下而已。  我爱吹竹笛,一到乡下便参加了大队毛泽东思想宣传队。宣传队里男男女女一大群,都是十七八的年轻人,整日在大队部里吹拉弹唱,排练诸如《老两口学毛选》《草原红卫兵见到了毛主席》等节目,倒也热闹快活。管着宣传队的是一个叫黑蛋的大队革委会干部,黑瘦黑瘦,平时也不怎么说话,就是嘴里爱叼着一支
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五、毛泽东思考和实践先进文化的意义及得失 1、推进文化转型的五个贡献 经过苏区文化、抗日文化、延安文化,到新民主主义文化向社会主义文化的过渡和改造,进而对社会主义文化的"来龙"、"格局"和"去脉"的构想和实施,典型地体现了五四以后近半个世纪的时间里,中国先进文化的探索历程和前进轨迹.通过这一轨迹的疏理,我们可以从总体上对毛泽东的文化探索的价值和意义,作一些判断.
竟敢为“黑社会”辩护?你要自绝于人民么?重庆打黑审判中,当七十五岁的赵长青等律师为“红顶商人”黎强辩护时,立即引起了部分民意的强烈反弹。有 Dare to defend the “und
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