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(1)起初用铅蓄电池要注意安装可靠牢固,否则,汽车、拖拉机在行驶过程中,电池易受震松动,导致外壳破裂,桩头松动,或其它部件受到损坏。 (2)为减轻蓄电池在车辆上的震动,对蓄电池垫尽可能采用胶皮垫或毛毡垫。 (3)要经常检查蓄电池的接线是否牢固,有接头的地方,必须保持接触良好。 (4)蓄电池极柱有氧化物时必须及时刮净,保持紧密接触。 (1) At first use lead-acid batteries should pay attention to the installation of a reliable and firm, otherwise, cars, tractors during driving, the battery vulnerable to vibration, resulting in shell rupture, loosening of the pile head, or other parts are damaged. (2) In order to reduce the vibration of the battery on the vehicle, use a rubber pad or a felt pad as much as possible on the battery pad. (3) to regularly check the battery wiring is solid, there are joints where, we must maintain good contact. (4) battery pole must be promptly scraped net oxide, keep in close contact.
The Kekulé-based valence bond (VB) method was employed to study the ground state properties of 52 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The reactivity indices defi
安塞油田长 6油层发现了大量的淡水宏观藻类化石 ,证实了中生界宏观藻类的存在。淡水宏观藻类主要生长在山涧溪流与湖泊中 ,而前者水流急 ,不易保存 ,所以宏观藻类化石主要保
The interaction of pinacyanol chloride (PC) with nucleic acids has been investigated by a series of experiments. Extensive hypochromism, appreciable peak shifts
由河南南阳石油机械厂开发的钻机、修井机三节套装井架 ,最近获得国家专利。钻机或修井机通常配置一种由上、下体两节井架单体套装的井架。这种井架的上体从下体的端口穿入 ,
More Research & Development Centers to be Set Up SAIC requested that each of its factories establish a research and development center before the end of this y
含烃物流的流化催化裂化 ,包括 :①将 (再生过的 )催化剂物流送入接触管 ;②使之和新鲜烃原料混合后与催化剂接触 ;③将混合物送入提升管的上游 ;④残留的混合物送至下游并回