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肺炎是一种常见呼吸道疾病,能否及时诊断,对于其治疗及预后有着很重要的关系。我院从1987年以来收治肺炎200例,其中32例入院时经询问无鼻塞、流涕、咳嗽、咯血及呼吸困难等呼吸道症状。治疗前均摄胸片,诊断为肺炎,经用抗生素治疗和对症处理后,复查胸片提示病灶短期内消散吸收,血沉、血白细胞计数及中性粒细胞恢复正常。排除肺结核等疾病后,证实为肺炎。现报告如下: Pneumonia is a common respiratory disease, whether timely diagnosis, for its treatment and prognosis have a very important relationship. In our hospital, 200 cases of pneumonia were admitted since 1987, of which 32 cases were admitted to hospital without nasal obstruction, runny nose, cough, hemoptysis and respiratory problems such as respiratory symptoms. Before treatment, the chest radiographs were taken and diagnosed as pneumonia. After being treated with antibiotics and symptomatic treatment, the chest radiographs were reviewed to indicate the absorption and absorption of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, white blood cell count and neutrophil recovery in the short term. After excluding tuberculosis and other diseases, confirmed as pneumonia. The report is as follows:
根据英国咨询公司 Wood Mackenzie 即将作出的报告,全球转基因种子的销售额经过指数式的增长后,预计今后两年将持平。此后,销售额是下降或是上升,取决于法规者和消费者对该
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Addison-Biermer 氏综合征是以巨幼细胞性贫血,亚急性脊髓后索及侧索联合病变及胃酸缺乏为临床特征的一组症候群,本文报告脑梗塞后遗症合并此症1例。病历摘要:患者杜××、
肌强直为少见的肌肉系统疾病,而合并舌下及面神经瘫、肥厚性心肌病尚未见报道。今将我们所见1例报道如下。一、病例摘要住院号873851 潘某,男,36岁,工人,原籍山东。1987年7