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本文以明末清初太仓州乡绅王时敏作于康熙九年(1670)的《奉常家训》为中心,参照王时敏于此前后所作的二十多篇遗训、家书等史料,并结合明末清初江南的社会特征以及王家的家况演变,尝试从家族内关系、如何对待乡里、与官府交往的原则等三个角度,分析了乡绅王时敏居乡时的处世原则。不少研究者指出,明末江南士大夫大多不顾地方利害和乡闾苦难,只追求个人利益。但是王时敏在其言行中所透露出的居乡原则大致如下:首先,不可以利用与地方当事等官僚的私交谋取私利,不可以放纵子弟凌夺乡里,这是士大夫居乡时首先必须遵守的基本原则。在此原则之下,以保全身家和维持家势为前提,尽可能地做一些有利地方社会之事,比如勤行善事。也就是说,乡绅王时敏的处世原则的基调还是务存宽厚,和睦乡阊,而非全然不顾地方利害的。其实,关心地方利害的“经世济民”观念,应该是当时乡绅居乡时所被期待的理想化形象。只是在明末清初的世道下,完全遵照该理想化形象行事,乡绅的个人利益又往往得不到应有的保障,因此不少士大夫在关心地方利害和追求个人利益、保持自家势力之间慎重权衡,甚至左右为难,这样的生存方式及其成因是本文关注的焦点。 This article takes the late Ming and early Qing dynasties gentry Wang Shimin as the nine years of Kangxi (1670), “Feng Chang Jia Xun” as the center, with reference to Wang Shimin before and after more than 20 articles, books and other historical materials, combined with the Ming dynasty The social features of the early Jiangnan and the evolution of Wang’s family status try to analyze the principle of his life when Wang Zi-min lived in the countryside from three aspects: the relationship within the family, the treatment of the village and the relationship with the government. Many researchers pointed out that in the late Ming Dynasty, most of Dr. Gangnamiasi ignored the local interests and the suffering of Villages and only pursued their own interests. However, Wang Xiaomin’s principle of living as revealed in his words and deeds is as follows: First of all, he can not take advantage of personal interests with local officials and other bureaucrats for personal gain, and can not indulge their children to take over the village. This is the first thing Dr. Shih has to comply with The basic principle. Under this principle, we should try our best to do something that is beneficial to local communities, such as good deeds and good deeds, on the premise of preserving the home and maintaining the family. In other words, the sentiment principle of Wang Shenmin, a gentleman of the gentry, is still in the merit of keeping a generous and harmonious rural area instead of totally ignoring the interests of the localities. In fact, the concept of “economic benefit and citizenship” that cares for the sake of local interests should be the idealized image expected of the squire at that time. However, under the circumstance of Ming and early Qing dynasty, acting in full accordance with the idealized image, the personal interests of the squire are often not properly protected. Therefore, many scholar-officials are not only concerned about the interests of local communities and pursuing their personal interests, but also maintaining their own power Careful weighing, or even dilemma, this way of life and its causes is the focus of this article.
在中华人民共和国 50华诞的喜庆日子里 ,众多记录新中国诞生前后历史的影视片纷纷“亮相” ,令人目不暇接。河北电视台近期播出的大型电视文献纪录片《新中国从这里走来》 ,便是其中的一部。《新》片主要反映的是解放战争期间 ,以毛泽东为首的中共中央从陕北迁入河北建屏县西柏坡村(今属平山县 )后的工作情况。该片播出后 ,在河北省乃至全国都产生了一定影响。作为史学工作者 ,我们认为这是一部真实叙述历史、很有教育意义的力作。和其他同类影视片比较 ,这部电视片具有以下几个特点 :  一、视角新。这里讲的“视角” ,从大
本文从分析职业院校音乐教育存在的问题入手,根据职业教育的要求和目标,提出了改革职业院校音乐教育培养模式的具体方法。 Based on the analysis of the existing problems
面对“文革”带来的个人生活的巨大变迁,钱钟书、杨绛不怨不恨,不自怜自悯,而是以平和的心态坦然面对,直面人生,这在当时确实难能可贵 In the face of the great changes in
一个乐队,如果没有统一的指挥,乐手们各吹各的号,各拉各的弦,演奏出来的声音一定不会悦耳动听。所以,马克思说:“一个单独的提琴手是自己指挥自己,一个乐队就需要一个指挥。”  同理,一个地方、单位或团体,如果没有统一的领导,每个人都各行其是、为所欲为,就会如同一盘散沙、四分五裂。因此,必须有统一的领导来管理和规范人们的行为。  领导干部管理和规范人们的行为,用通俗的话来讲就是管人。由于人的思想和行为非