Relationship of gastric Helicobacter pylori infection to Barrett's esophagus and gastro-esophag

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:omine001
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AIM:To evaluate the relationship of Helicobacter pyloriinfection to reflux esophagitis (RE),Barrett’s esophagus (BE)and gastric intestinal metaplasia (IM).METHODS:RE,BE and gastric IM were determined by upperendoscopy.Patients were divided into 2 groups;those withsquamocolumnar junction (SCJ) beyond gastroesophagealjunction (GFJ)≥3cm (group A),and those with SCJ beyondGEJ<3 cm (group B).Biopsy specimens were obtainedendoscopically from just below the SCJ,gastric antrum alongthe greater and lesser curvature.Pathological changes andH pylori infection were determined by HE staining,Alcianblue staining and Giemsa staining.RESULTS:The prevalence of H pylori infection was 46.93%.There was no difference in the prevalence between malesand females.The prevalence of H pylori infection decreasedstepwise significantly from RE grade Ⅰ to Ⅲ.There was nodifference in the prevalence between the two groups,andbetween long-segment and short-segment BE.In distalstomach,prevalence of H pylori infection was significantlyhigher in patients with IM than those without IM.CONCLUSION:There is a protective role of H pylori infectionto GERD.There may be no relationship between H pyloriinfection of stomach and BE.H pylori infection is associatedwith the development of IM in the distal stomach. AIM: To evaluate the relationship of Helicobacter pylori infection to reflux esophagitis (RE), Barrett’s esophagus (BE) and gastric intestinal metaplasia (IM). METHODS: RE, BE and gastric IM were determined by uppereoscopy. Patients were divided into 2 groups; those withsquamocolumnar junction (SCJ) beyond gastroesophageal junction (GFJ) ≥3 cm (group A), and those with SCJ beyond GEJ <3 cm (group B) .Biopsy specimens were obtainedendoscopically from just below the SCJ, gastric antrum along the greater and lesser curvature. Pathological changes and H pylori infection were determined by HE staining, Alcianblue staining and Giemsa staining. RESULTS: The prevalence of H pylori infection was 46.93%. There was no difference in the prevalence between males and females. prevalence of H pylori infection decreased stepwise significantly from RE grade I to III. There was nodifference in the prevalence between the two groups, and between long-segment and short-segment BE. In distal metastomach, prevalence of H pylori infect ion was significantlyhigher in patients with IM than those without IM.CONCLUSION: There is a protective role of H pylori infectionto GERD. There may be no relationship between H pyloriinfection of stomach and BE.H pylori infection is associated with the development of IM in the distal stomach.
患者男,74岁,因颈部疼痛4个月,伴进行性吞咽困难1个月入院.CT示左侧甲状腺肿物,约4 cm×6 cm,侵及气管.食管钡餐造影示食管中上段狭窄,狭窄段长约5 cm,钡剂通过困难.胃镜检查,距门齿约22 cm食管后壁有不规则的菜花样肿物,累及食管左、右侧壁,食管腔隙约2 mm.住院后常规术前检查及准备,行食管内记忆合金支架置入术.萨氏探条依次扩张狭窄段至11 mm,选择直径18 mm、长80 mm
2003年6月24日WHO宣布解除因SARS疫情对北京的旅游警告。为了最大限度控制SARS在全球的蔓延,WHO于2003年4月23日经过研究向北京提出旅行警告。而今天由于北京的 June 24, 2
<正> 系统研究、揭示资本主义基本矛盾发展变化不仅有助于我们正确认识当代资本主义的种种新现象,而且还有助于我们正确把握社会主义与资本主义历史和逻辑的延续性及其区别,从而更好地认清人类社会从资本主义到社会主义、最后到共产主义的历史走向,这对我们识别鼓吹走资本主义道路的自由化思潮,坚定改革、开放的正确方向具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。一、资本主义基本矛盾的基本现状及占有形式的变化
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