An ultralow power wireless intraocular pressure monitoring system

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jw____
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This paper describes an ultralow power wireless intraocular pressure(IOP) monitoring system that is dedicated to sensing and transferring intraocular pressure of glaucoma patients. Our system is comprised of a capacitive pressure sensor, an application-specific integrated circuit, which is designed on the SMIC 180 nm process, and a dipole antenna. The system is wirelessly powered and demonstrates a power consumption of 7.56 W at 1.24 V during continuous monitoring, a significant reduction in active power dissipation compared to existing work. The input RF sensitivity is 13 d Bm. A significant reduction in input RF sensitivity results from the reduction of mismatch time of the ASK modulation caused by FM0 encoding. The system exhibits an average error of˙1.5 mm Hg in measured pressure. Finally, a complete IOP system is demonstrated in the real biological environment, showing a successful reading of the pressure of an eye. This paper describes an ultralow power wireless intraocular pressure (IOP) monitoring system that is dedicated to sensing and forwarding intraocular pressure of glaucoma patients. Our system is comprised of a capacitive pressure sensor, an application-specific integrated circuit, which is designed on the SMIC 180 nm process, and a dipole antenna. The system is wirelessly powered and demonstrates a power consumption of 7.56 W at 1.24 V during continuous monitoring, a significant reduction in active power dissipation compared to existing work. The input RF sensitivity is 13 d Bm. A significant reduction in input RF sensitivity results from the reduction of mismatch time of the ASK modulation caused by FM0 encoding. The system exhibits an average error of ˙ 1.5 mm Hg in measured pressure. Finally, a complete IOP system is demonstrated in the real biological environment, showing a successful reading of the pressure of an eye.
我是一九八一年生人,我经常为了谦逊而自称小唐,可是,小唐真的不小了,今年的我,已经是三十七周岁。  从二〇〇四年写书到现在,整整十四年了,十四年来,我每天更新,从未断更。我曾经想到过,在未来这些不断更的岁月之中,我有可能会遇到各种艰难,我也认为自己足够坚强,能够面对一切,就是能忍所不能,我就是不断更。在文学圈内混,我小唐就是凭借著靠谱二字!  可是,我却没想到,我这辈子竟然还能遇到这么难的事情。 