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美以讨价还价的一个筹码 2002-2004年间,以色列总理沙龙为实施“单边行动”计划多次造访美国,并与总统乔治·W·布什交换意见。美国一直扮演着巴以争端调解人的角色。这场旷日持久的斡旋行动中,美国“调解”偏袒以色列受到国际舆论抨击。因此美国也提醒沙龙要保持克制,不要偏离中东和平“路线图”太远了。沙龙也乘机向总统布什和国家安全助理康多莉扎·赖斯提出尽快释放乔纳森·杰伊·波拉德。早在3年前的3月20日,沙龙在会见美国总统布什时,就郑重要求美国释放正在服刑的以色列间谍波拉德。沙龙说:“波拉德已经被关押了这么长时间,现在应该释放他了。”同时他又恢谐地向美国家安全助理赖斯承认以色列的错误,说:“这好比一个男人窥视女人沐浴一样,了解她的隐私。一个国家的隐私有无法抗拒的诱惑力。这就像男人窥视女人隐私一样没有敌意啊!况且事过境迁,当事人已受到严厉的惩罚了。” US bargain-hunting chip During 2002-2004, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visited the United States on many occasions for the implementation of the “unilateral action” plan and exchanged views with President George W. Bush. The United States has always played the role of Palestinian-Israel dispute mediator. In this protracted good-neighborly operation, the United States “mediates” in favor of Israel being attacked by international public opinion. Therefore, the United States also reminded Sharon to exercise restraint and not deviate from the peace in the Middle East. “The” road map “is too far away. Salon also took the opportunity to release President Jonathan Jay Pollard as soon as possible to President Bush and National Security Adviser Condallaue Rice. As early as March 20, three years ago, when Sharon met with U.S. President Bush, he solemnly demanded that the United States release Pollard, the serving Israeli prisoner. Sharon said: ”Pollard has been held for such a long time and should now be released.“ At the same time, he succinctly recalled the Israeli mistake to the U.S. homeland security aide, Rice, saying: ”It’s like a man Peeping as a woman bathing, to understand her privacy.A country’s privacy has an irresistible temptation.This is like a man peeking a woman’s privacy as hostile ah Moreover, the eventual change, the parties have been severely punished. "