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重症监护室(Intensive Care Unit简称ICU)是医院中危重病人集中的科室.ICU的特殊性和重要性成为医院内感染的重要问题,现就ICU感染情况、感染部位以及致病菌和危险因素的研究进展综述如下:1 ICU的医院感染特点1.1 ICU中患者医院感染的发病和死亡 ICU收治的病人病情重、病种多而复杂,病人容易并发各种严重感染而导致病死率明显高于普通病房(GW).Ner-chant M等于1998年3月,对印度孟买的一家1800张床位的综合性医院GW和ICU感染性肺炎的发病与死亡构成进行对比研究发现,GW与ICU的肺炎发病分别占GW与ICU同期病人总数的1.8%和16.7%,死亡构成比分别为0和 40%.Kampf G等于1998年,根据德国72家综合性医院的GW与ICU下吸吸道感染(LRTI)的调查发现,GW与ICU的LR-TI病例分别占0.72%和 9.00%.1991~1993年Sope-na N等调查西班牙一家医院的GW与ICU内耐甲氧苯青霉素金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)重症感染发现, The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is the department where critical patients are concentrated in the hospital. The particularity and importance of the ICU have become an important issue in hospital infections. Now ICU infection, infection sites, and pathogenic bacteria and risk factors The research progress is summarized as follows: 1 Characteristics of nosocomial infections in ICU 1.1 Incidence and death of patients with nosocomial infections in ICUs Patients admitted to ICU suffer from serious illnesses and diseases and are complicated. Patients are prone to complicated severe infections, resulting in a significantly higher mortality rate than general wards. (GW). Ner-chant M equals March 1998, a comparative study of the incidence and mortality of GW and ICU infectious pneumonia in a 1,800-bed general hospital in Mumbai, India, found that the incidence of pneumonia in GW and ICU accounted for GW and ICU totaled 1.8% and 16.7% of the total number of patients at the same time, and the death component ratio was 0 and 40%, respectively. Kampf G was equal to 1998, according to the investigation of GW and ICU downsampling infection (LRTI) in 72 general hospitals in Germany. It was found that LR-TI cases in GW and ICU accounted for 0.72% and 9.00%, respectively. Sope-na N et al. (1991-1993) investigated severe infection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in GW and ICU in a Spanish hospital. Find,
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显著成绩 中国国际公关协会二届理事会自1997年4月选举产生以来,在开展民间外交,促进国际交流与合作,推动全国公共关系事业职业化、专业化和规范化方面做了大量的工作,取得
目的 研究昆明山海棠 Tripterygium hypoglaucum(Celastraceae) (THH)根部水提液对早幼粒白血病HL- 6 0细胞凋亡的诱导作用及机制。方法 通过特征性的形态学观察 ,Annexin-
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PPH是一种严重疾病。该病患者肺的小动脉进行性阻塞,使右心室难以将血液泵入肺,结果发生心衰。 PPH可在任何年龄和性别发生,但女性患者数为男性的 2倍。 20世纪 80年代一项纳入
已知细胞色素P45 0 (CYP) 3A4可通过氧化型生物转化反应将有机磷农药 (OPs)对硫磷氧化脱硫 (S→O)生成活性代谢产物对氧磷。本研究探讨CYP同工酶 3A4和 2D6在 3种OPs(对硫磷、毒死蜱、二嗪磷 )