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  目前各大公司每年年底或年初时都有一个年底犒赏宴会,也就是台湾人所说的“尾牙”。这种宴会主要是公司为答谢员工们一年的辛勤付出而办,同时也可以让在各自工作岗位忙碌得见不着几面的员工和老板好好欢聚一下。B&Z往年的宴会都很正式隆重,今年却有些与众不同,让我们来看看在今年这种非正式的场合Mr. Jacobs如何致辞,而在这次宴会上又发生了什么有趣的事吧!
  Stephanie: Poor Dave.
  Carla: It’s OK, Daphne has gone to comfort him.
  Stephanie: I can’t believe Sally showed up at the party!
  Carla: I know, wasn’t it great? I haven’t seen a fight like that in a long time. My favourite part was when she took off her shoe and put it in his…
  Mr. Jacobs: (hitting his wine glass) Excuse me, everyone. Can I have everyone’s attention, please? Thank you. Now I had planned on giving this speech a little later tonight, but after the events that have just unfolded, ①it seems an appropriate time to clear the air. Wouldn’t you agree?
  Carla: ②You could cut the tension with a knife, sir.
  Mr. Jacobs: Well, thankfully the knives were kept well away from Sally just now. Anyway…I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your hard work and dedication over the past year. ③By and large, I have had a wonderful time tonight and I trust you all have also. We are so used to seeing each other in the high-pressure environment of the office and ④it is really nice to have this chance to let our hair down for a change. I’m really lucky to have you all as employees.
  Carla: We are lucky to have you as a boss!
  Mr. Jacobs: Thanks, Carla. ⑤Maybe you should ease up on the champagne? ⑥On that note, let’s all raise our glasses to another prosperous year at B&Z. Now, is there anyone else who would like to say something?
  Sally: YES! I have a few words to say!
  Stephanie: Oh, no! Sally is back.
  Carla: Best…party…ever!!
  Smart Sentences
  ① It seems an appropriate time to clear the air. 现在似乎是个好机会,调节调节气氛。
  clear the air: do sth. to dispel differences or emotional tensions(消除疑虑或紧张气氛)。例如:
  My supervisor is good at clearing the air under tense circumstances.
  ② You could cut the tension with a knife, sir. 这里的空气紧张得都凝结起来,可以用刀削成片了,先生。
  you could (have)cut the tension(an atmosphere) with a knife: used to indicate how tense or unfriendly a situation is(用以表示气氛的浓重或境况的不友好)。例如:
  With two groups fighting for the Team of the Year award, you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife in the office last week.
  ③ by and large 总的来说
  by and large: in general, on the whole(总的来说)。例如:
  By and large, it is a good book.
  ④ It is really nice to have this chance to let our hair down for a change. 今天换个心情,轻松一下的感觉真的很好。
  let one’s hair down: relax completely and enjoy oneself(完全放松)。例如:
  I finally finished the most demanding presentation this morning. I can now let my hair down for the rest of the week.
  ⑤ Maybe you should ease up on the champagne? 或许你可以放慢一点喝香槟的速度?
  ease up: relax, reduce(放松,放缓)。例如:
  The rain has eased up.
  ⑥ On that note, let’s all raise our glasses to another prosperous year at B&Z. 说到这个,让我们举杯吧,为了B&Z丰收的一年。
  on that note: used to continue the tone carried from the previous conversation(延续前面的调子或气氛)。例如:
  —I really believe we can finish this in two days.
  —On that note, let’s plunge into work.
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<正> 作者于1992年11月~1994年12月应用博利康尼治疗毛细支气管炎取得明显疗效。现报告如下。
说做就做,绝不犹豫!Daniel开始为实现自己最初的理想忙碌了起来,选学校、寄申请信……然而,满怀热情的他却有点信心不足。还好,有了家人的支持,梦想也越来越近了。    Henry: What have you got there?  Daniel: Ah! Don’t 1)sneak up on me like that, Dad. ①You scared the life out of me.
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