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提到花果山,人们总要问,是《西游记》里的花果山吗?是美猴王的故乡——花果山?文学的力量太伟大,一部小说里讲述了石头里蹦出一只猴的故事,在这个世界里流传了几百年。到连云港的第二天,我们就去了花果山。只可惜不是桃花盛开的季节,满山的桃树只剩翠绿了,绿色与电视里的花果山那桃红花艳的画面有点对接不上,可初夏正是群山秀媚的时候,四处一望到处郁郁葱葱,流水淙淙风景如画,让人很是舒畅。当地人没带我们去看那蹦出猴子的石头,但是山上的石头很多,都黑乎乎的,样子很古老很神奇,似乎都有故事可讲。我们沿着石径在山上转着,不管吴承恩是不是以这里为背景写的《西游记》里的孙悟空,可是这山确实就叫花果山,游山的游人也不少。各个景点也是按《西游记》书中的花果山景象布置的,绿油油的山峰配上清泠泠的水,水帘洞的瀑布十几米高很壮观,游人争相照相。在山腰处见几只小猴攀跳树枝在嬉戏,呀!没走多远又见几十只大大小小猢狲在山腰处上窜下跳地游玩,见我们撒花生米,便嗖嗖地跑过来抢吃。有的猴子竟大胆地取我们手里的花生,它们跳着接的很准,那动作的灵敏真不愧是大圣的子孙。还有两只猴索性把爪子伸到我衣兜里自己掏,紧张地我歪着身子不敢动,让它去拿,没掏着便悻悻地走了。那半山腰修筑了一排洞,洞前坐着几只老猴在懒洋洋地晒太阳。这里的猴子不怕人,也许是感觉到了入是喜欢它们的。 When it comes to Huaguo Mountain, people always ask whether it is the Huaguo Mountain in the Journey to the West? Is the hometown of the Monkey King - Huaguoshan? The power of literature is too great. In a novel, The story of a monkey circulated in this world for hundreds of years. The next day to Lianyungang, we went to Huaguoshan. Unfortunately, not the peach blossoming season, peach trees only covered the verdure, the green and the Huaguoshan TV show that the flowers are not pretty docking, but early summer is the beauty of the mountains, everywhere around look around Lush, picturesque scenery, people are very comfortable. The locals did not take us to see that the monkey jumped out of the stone, but the mountain a lot of stones, are dark, looks very old and amazing, it seems that there are stories to tell. We turn along the stone path in the mountains, regardless of Wu Cheng-en is not here to write the background of the Monkey King in the Journey to the West, but this mountain is really called Huaguoshan, tourists travel a lot of mountains. Each attraction is also arranged according to the scenery of Huaguoshan in the book of Journey to the West. The lush green peaks coupled with the water of Qinglingling and the waterfall of Shuilian Dong are magnificent and the tourists compete for pictures. In the mountainside to see a few small monkey climb jumping branches in the play, ah! Did not go far see dozens of large and small 猢 狲 at the mountainside up and down to play, see we sprinkle peanuts, they whizzed to run Come grab eat. Some monkeys actually take the peanuts in our hands boldly, and they are very accurate in jumping and jumping. The sensibility of that action is truly the descendant of the Great. There are two monkeys simply stick their claws into my pocket dig, nervously I crooked body can not move, let it go take it, did not dig it stumbled away. That half hillside built a row of holes, sitting in front of the cave a few lazy monkeys in the sun. The monkeys here are not afraid of people, maybe they feel they are like them.
日前,南京的百年老字号餐馆——清真安乐园菜馆获得了国务院授予的“全国民族团结进步模范集体”称号,这不仅是全省唯一获得这一殊 Recently, Nanjing’s 100-year-old rest