由中国兵工学会发动机分会、中国铁道学会牵引动力委员会、中国内燃机学会大功率柴油机分会、中国造船工程学会船舶轮机学术委员会联合主办的第8届全国大功率柴油机学术年会于1993年10月24~26日在福建省武夷山市举行。 大功率柴油机学术年会是我国柴油机界的盛大会议。参加本届年会的有来自全国各地的兵工、铁道、船舶、交通机械等系统的部门领导、老专家及一批在本行业中崭露头角的年轻科技工作者和有关方面人士近百人。
The 8th National Conference on High-Power Diesel Engines, co-sponsored by the Engine Branch of China Ordnance Society, the Traction Power Committee of China Railway Society, the High-Power Diesel Engine Branch of China Internal Combustion Engine Society, and the Academic Committee of Marine Turbines of China Shipbuilding Engineering Society. Oct. 24, 1993 ~ 26 in Wuyishan City, Fujian Province. High-power diesel academic annual meeting is China’s diesel engine sector grand meeting. Attend this year’s annual meeting, there are nearly a hundred heads of departments, veterans, and a group of young scientists and technicians and relevant persons from all walks of life in the country’s armed forces, railways, ships and transportation machinery systems.