
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guawang
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目前,农村幼儿班受农民居住区域等因素的局限,大多数只能以多年龄层次的混合班形式出现。我县现有628个农村幼儿班,其中569个是混合班,占总数的90.7%。由于种种原因,农村幼儿班“两多”的现象较严重,即:采用小学化、成人化及“单式班”的传授方式多:教学中无目的、无计划的随意性多。我们在工作实践中深深认识到:要促使全县幼教质量大面积的提高,一定要抓好农村幼儿混合班这个薄弱环节。在这样的思想指导下,我们从1985年下半年起,便把抓好农村混合班教学作为工作重点,在提高教师素质、建立教研网络、探索教学新法这三方面作了积极的尝试,初步取得成效,具体做法是: 一、通过多种途径,提高教师素质。搞好农村混合班教学,提高教师素质是关键。据调查,有相当一部分村办混合班的教师,不会制订教学计划,不会备课、上课,整天把幼儿关在教室里,不提供幼儿任何玩具,老师偶尔的教学也只能是在小 At present, most of the restrictions on rural kindergarten classes are limited to multi-aged mixed classes because of the factors such as the area inhabited by peasants. There are 628 rural preschools in our county, of which 569 are mixed classes, accounting for 90.7% of the total. Due to various reasons, the phenomenon of “two or more” in preschool education in rural areas is more serious, that is, there are many teaching methods adopting primary schooling, adultization and “single-class schooling”: teaching without purpose and without planning more arbitrariness. In our work practice, we deeply realize that to promote the large-scale improvement of preschool education in the whole county, we must grasp the weak link of the mixed class of preschool children in rural areas. Guided by this kind of thinking, starting from the second half of 1985, we made a positive attempt to grasp the teaching of mixed classes in rural areas and made positive attempts in improving the quality of teachers, establishing a network for teaching and research, and exploring new teaching methods. Effectiveness, the specific approach is: First, through a variety of ways to improve the quality of teachers. Improving the teaching of mixed classes in rural areas and improving the quality of teachers is the key. According to the survey, a considerable part of the village-run mixed-class teachers will not formulate teaching plans, will not prepare lessons, classes, all day long in the classroom in children, do not provide any toys for young children, the occasional teaching of teachers can only be small
鬼唇兰的花朵和颜色活像一只只蜜蜂。一片鬼唇兰在风中摇摆,就像一群蜜蜂在飞舞争采花蜜。蜜蜂的“领土观念”极强, The flower and the color of the devil's lips act lik