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高职英语是一门综合学科,它包括听、说、读、写、译五个方面。要想使学生真正掌握并灵活运用英语知识,就一定要应用创新的教学方式。传统的高职英语教学课堂上,我们看到的更多的是老师在讲,学生在记,实际上老师成为了课堂的时间占有者,但是高职英语教学不同于其他的教学,英语的学习不仅仅只是一个知识的积累,更多的体现的是学生对语言能力的掌握和应用,老师讲再多,学生在课堂上学到的东西也仅仅是一些语法词汇方面的单一知识,但这些都不是高职英语教学最终的目的。高职英语教学最终是为了让学生能更好的掌握这门语言,让学生们在听说读写译方面能否全面发展,最终达到灵活应用这门语言的目的。在教学中我们应当更加关注学生在课堂上的地位,让学生去主导课堂,让学生自己去思考、讨论、交流,发散他们的语言思维。只有这样,我们才能最终实现高职英语教学的目的。 Vocational English is a comprehensive subject, which includes listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. To make students really grasp and flexible use of English knowledge, we must apply innovative teaching methods. In the traditional higher vocational English teaching class, what we see more is the teacher is speaking, the student is in mind, in fact, the teacher becomes the classroom owner, but the higher vocational English teaching is different from other teaching and English learning More than just the accumulation of knowledge, the students reflect more on the mastery and application of language ability. Teachers say more and the things students learn in class are just a few simple knowledge of grammar vocabulary, but these are not The ultimate goal of vocational English teaching. Vocational English teaching is ultimately to enable students to better grasp the language, so that students can fully understand the development of reading and writing translation, and ultimately achieve the purpose of flexible application of the language. In teaching we should pay more attention to the status of students in the classroom, so that students to lead the classroom, so that students themselves to think, discuss, exchange, divergent language thinking. Only in this way can we finally achieve the goal of higher vocational English teaching.
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