
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshoubei
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Genital diseases include a wide range of lesions e.g. infectious and inflammatory. In most cases a clinical diagnosis is reached without the need for a biopsy. Nonetheless, a genital biopsy is safe and may help to confirm the diagnosis. We established a dedicated diagnostic biopsy clinic in 2003. Our objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of our diagnostic biopsy clinic and compare it with other Genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics in the UK. A retrospective case-note study was performed on 71 patients referred to the biopsy clinic with persistent genital lesions over a 12-month period. Forty-seven biopsies were performed (71%biopsy rate). 43 specimens (92%) were appropriate for histopathological diagnosis. Of these 15%were lichen planus, 15%lichen sclerosis, 10%psoriasis, 7.5%each: eczema, Zoon’s and non-specific balanitis. The remainder represented a variety of other conditions. In 27 cases (68%) the clinical diagnosis was consistent with the histological result. The possibility of self-referral and walk-in nature of our GUM service substantially decrease the waiting times for assessment of anogenital disorders. We had a lower biopsy rate for the diagnosis of non-specific balanitis (7.5%) compared with the average rate (21.5%) in 14 UK GUM clinics and good agreement between clinical and histological diagnosis. An empirical first treatment, with simple emollients before biopsy, appears to be a safe clinical approach for the treatment of non-specific balanitis. A multidisciplinary approach (GUM physicians, dermatologists and urologists/gynaecologists) could help prevent unnecessary biopsies and improve correlation between clinical and histological diagnosis. Genital diseases include a wide range of lesions eg infectious and inflammatory. In most cases a clinical diagnostic is reached without the need for a biopsy. Nonetheless, a genital biopsy is safe and may help to confirm the diagnosis. We established a dedicated diagnostic biopsy clinic in 2003. Our objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of our diagnostic biopsy clinic and compare it with other Genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics in the UK. A retrospective case-note study was performed on 71 patients referred to the biopsy clinic with persistent genital lesions Of these 15% were lichen planus, 15% lichen sclerosis, 10% psoriasis, 7.5% % each: eczema, Zoon’s and non-specific balanitis. In 27 cases (68%) the clinical diagnosis was consistent with the histological result. of self-referral and walk-in nature of our GUM service substantially decrease the waiting times for assessment of anogenital disorders. We had a lower biopsy rate for the diagnosis of non-specific balanitis (7.5%) compared with the average rate (21.5% ) in 14 UK GUM clinics and good agreement between clinical and histological diagnosis. An empirical first treatment, with simple emollients before biopsy, appears to be a safe clinical approach for the treatment of non-specific balanitis. A multidisciplinary approach (GUM physicians, dermatologists and urologists / gynaecologists could help prevent unnecessary biopsies and improve correlation between clinical and histological diagnosis.
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