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2005年5月12日北京某报登了一条“消息”《质检总局发布食品安全标准》,篇幅不长共两个自然段,照录在此:类似肯德基“苏丹红”事件今后将不再发生,因为食品安全管理体系有了新标准,该体系将生产、加工、包装、储藏、运输、销售一条龙管理。国家质检总局日前正式发布实施了《食品安全管理体系要求》和《食品安全管理体系审核指南》。昨天,中国检验检疫科学研究院对全国各直属检验检疫局、出口食品生产企业进行了培训。依据此系列标准,一方面,可以加强原料提供方的管理,另一方面,一旦出现问题,也有助于有效地追本溯源,并识别影响范围,采取应急预案,使危害降到最低。(实习记者姜葳) May 12, 2005 Beijing reported a newspaper published a “message” “AQSIQ issued food safety standards,” the length of a total of two natural paragraphs, recorded here: similar to KFC “Sudan Red ” incident It will not happen again in the future because of the new standard of food safety management system which will manage production, processing, packaging, storage, transportation and sales. AQSIQ has officially released and implemented the “Food Safety Management System Requirements” and “Food Safety Management System Audit Guidelines.” Yesterday, China Academy of Inspection and Quarantine conducted a direct training to all inspection and quarantine bureaus and export food production enterprises directly under the country. According to this series of standards, on the one hand, the management of the supplier of raw materials can be strengthened; on the other hand, once a problem arises, it can also help to effectively trace the source and identify the scope of influence and adopt an emergency plan to minimize the harm. (Intern reporter Jiang 葳)
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