勇于实践 优中选优 旅客餐车用水封盖蒸饭锅就是好

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餐车上怎么把饭(米饭)能做得快,保证供应,做得软硬适宜香甜可口,让旅客满意,另外怎么能做到节粮、节煤和改善炊事人员的劳动条件等,这一直是客运部门长时期以来摸索改进的问题,过去虽然采用过不少方法,但效果总不能令人满意。在毛主席全心全意为人民服务的教导指引下,哈尔滨客运段职工对解决这一问题始终抓得很紧,特别是在粉碎“四人帮”以后,在学习兄弟单位先进经验和总结自己段所走过的道路的基础上,群策群力,调查研究,反复试验和改进后,试制了水封盖蒸饭锅,经过一年多来的实际运用,使得旅客、炊事人员和领导都满意。达到了软硬适中,香甜可口,不串 How to put rice (rice) on the car How to make the food fast, ensure the supply, make it soft and hard Suitable for the sweet and delicious, so that the passengers are satisfied, and how else can save, save coal and improve the working conditions of the staff The Passenger Transport Department has been trying its best to solve the problem of improvement since the passage of time. Although many methods were adopted in the past, the effect has always been unsatisfactory. Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s dedicated service to the people, the Harbin passenger transport workers have always taken a very tight grip on solving this problem. Especially after smashing the “Gang of Four,” they have studied the advanced experience of their brother units and summarized their own passage On the basis of the road, pooling efforts, investigation and research, trial and improvement after trial, the trial of the water sealed rice cooker, after more than a year of practical use, makes passengers, cooking staff and leaders are satisfied. Reached a moderate hardness, sweet and delicious, not string
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