
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mucao_xkhl
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天津市南郊区积极组织民兵、预备役战士参加执勤巡逻,配合公安部门维护社会治安,打击违法犯罪活动。3个月来,先后配合公安机关共抓获各种不法分子738人,破获各种刑事案件421起,其中重大案件11起;抓赌713起,扑灭火灾318起,并主动协助党组织和政 The southern suburb of Tianjin actively organized militia and reserve fighters to participate in duty patrols and coordinate with the public security departments to maintain public order and crack down on illegal and criminal activities. In the past three months, it has cooperated with the public security organs to seize a total of 738 lawbreakers and cracked 421 various criminal cases, 11 of which were major cases; 713 cases of gambling were stolen and 318 cases of fighting were extinguished; and they voluntarily assisted party organizations and government
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