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1995年6月30日,《中华人民共和国保险法》由全国人大常委会正式通过,并将于10月1日起正式实施。这部新中国历史上第一部保险大法的诞生,标志着我国保险业由无法可依走向了依法管理的轨道,迈进了法制建设的新时期,同时为我国的保险业与国际保险业的接轨铺平了道路,对促进我国保险业的健康发展有着深刻的意义。 1980年,全国恢复办理国内保险业务以来,广西保险事业在人保广西公司的努力下得到迅速发展,服务网络遍布全区88个市、县,分支机构达131个,保险品种发展到200多种,保险业务以平均每年增长47%的速度发展。这显示出我区保险市场的巨大发展潜力。进入80年代后期,很多行业纷纷涉足保险。到1995年6月底,全国范围内相继成立了中国太平洋保险公司、中国平安保险公司等24家商业性保险公司。在广西,中国太平洋保险公司在南宁、柳州、桂林、梧州四市设立了分支机构,中国平安保险公司在南宁设立了办事处,广西保险市场初步形成了多家保险公司竞争的格局。 On June 30, 1995, the “Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China” was formally passed by the NPC Standing Committee and will be officially implemented on October 1. The birth of Dafa, the first insurance law in the history of new China, marked the beginning of China’s insurance industry from being unable to go to the track of managing according to law and entered a new era of legal system construction. At the same time, it provided guidance to China’s insurance industry and the international insurance industry Paved the way for the healthy development of China’s insurance industry has a profound significance. In 1980, since the restoration of domestic insurance business nationwide, the insurance business in Guangxi Province has been rapidly developed with the efforts of PICC Guangxi. The service network covers 131 cities and counties and 88 branches and over 200 insurance branches across the region. The insurance business grew at an average annual rate of 47%. This shows the great potential of our insurance market. Into the late 1980s, many industries have set foot in the insurance. By the end of June 1995, 24 commercial insurance companies, including China Pacific Insurance Company and China Ping An Insurance Company, have been set up one after another nationwide. In Guangxi, China Pacific Insurance Company set up branches in Nanning, Liuzhou, Guilin and Wuzhou. Ping An Insurance Company of China set up an office in Nanning. Guangxi insurance market initially formed a pattern of competition among many insurance companies.
我们曾经不厌其烦地讨论过保单解释的一个重要原则:疑义原则(参见《金融法苑》第26期、第30期)。英美法系的保险法沿用了古老的拉丁文术语:contra preferentum,本义为反对
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