
来源 :党史文汇 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengzi1022
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《党史文汇》是我经常阅读的杂志之一。这是一本贯彻党的“解放思想、实事求是”思想路线、集思想性知识性于一身的严肃刊物,对广大读者富有教育、启迪的作用。我把这份刊物看作良师益友,每期刊物,我和老伴(她是《人民日报》最老的编辑之一)总是争先阅读。 我理应和渴望到太原祝贺《党史文汇》创刊十周年。因我近患脑血栓正在治疗,医生要我不要中断治疗,所以只好请假,用这封短信祝贺《党史文汇》越办越好。我愿意陪伴她到下个世纪。良师益友是最珍重宝贵的。 ——原《人民日报》总编辑李庄 《党史文汇》是全国同类刊物中办得较好的一份,也是我很喜欢看的。它既保持了党史的科学性和严肃性,又在增强党史文章的可读性、扩大党史的社会影响方面作出了可贵的贡献。这是值得祝贺的。望朝此正确方向继续努力,做出更大的成绩。 ——中央党校教授、博士生导师金春明 “History of the Party” is one of the magazines I often read. This is a serious publication that carries out the party’s ideological line of “emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts” and integrates ideological and sexual knowledge. It is rich in education and enlightenment for readers. I regard this publication as a mentor, and every issue I and my wife, who is one of the oldest editors of the People’s Daily, always seek to read first. I should and desire to come to Taiyuan to congratulate on the tenth anniversary of the founding of the “Party History Department”. Because of my recent treatment of cerebral thrombosis, the doctor told me not to interrupt the treatment, so I had to leave. Congratulations on this message, “Party History and Literature Department” is getting better and better. I am willing to accompany her to the next century. Mentoring is the most precious treasure. - Former “People’s Daily” editor Li Zhuang “History of the Party” is a similar publication in the country to do a better, but also I like to see. It not only maintains the scientificity and seriousness of the history of the party, but also makes valuable contributions in enhancing the readability of the articles in the history and expanding the social influence of the history of the party. This is a deserved congratulation. We hope that we can continue our efforts in this correct direction and make even greater achievements. - Central Party School professor and doctoral tutor Jin Chunming
发展须改革,改革促发展。在改革和发展的主旋律中,我们又跨入了一个新的重要年头——1995年。至此,《党政干部学刊》也乘着改革的春风走过了五周年的历程。 五年,在人类历史
本刊创办以来,得到了广大作者、读者的支持和帮助,在此我仅代表本刊编辑部向所有关心本刊的领导、作者、读者表示衷心的感谢! 《北京建筑工程学院学报》是北京建筑工程学院主
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必