
来源 :江西中医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuiqianzeqing
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中醫治病,甚少用單味藥物,一般均用複方治療疾病,此爲中藥治療上的特色,中醫方劑,由於各家標新立異,因此方劑名目之多,可謂有如牛毛,恐怕任何人也不敢說我可以知道中醫的所有方劑,但總的說來,方劑名目雖多,卻沒有一個處方能超越過中醫的基本治療體系與法則,也就是說中醫處方,與其治療體系是完全一致的。舉個例來說,同一太陽病(熱病初期)有的須用桂枝湯或麻黃湯,而有的則又須用桂枝加附子湯,桂枝加入參湯,或麻黃附子細辛湯,同一陽明病(熱病極期),有的須用白虎湯,而有的則又須用白虎加入參湯,所以中醫說,「藥貴中病,醫不執方。」雖屬同一病名,但因人因地因時的不同,而治療方法上,也就迥然 Traditional Chinese medicine treats illness, rarely uses single-taste drugs, and generally uses compound to treat diseases. This is a feature of traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Chinese herbal formulas are different from each other because of different standards. Therefore, the number of prescriptions is as large as a cow’s hair. I am afraid that no one dares anyone. I can say that I can know all the prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine, but generally there are many prescriptions, but there is no prescription that can surpass the basic treatment system and rules of Chinese medicine. That is to say, the prescription of Chinese medicine is exactly the same as its treatment system. For example, for the same solar disease (early fever), some must use Guizhitang or Mahuangtang, while others must use Guizhi Jiafuzi Decoction, Guizhi to join Shentang, or Mahuangfuzixin Decoction. The same Yangming disease (the epidemic of fever), some must use Baihutang, while others must use white tigers to join Shentang. Therefore, Chinese medicine practitioners say that “the medicine is expensive and the disease is not performed by the doctor.” Although it belongs to the same disease name, However, because of the difference in people’s time and location, the treatment method is also awkward.
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