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军事院校的人才培养不仅仅是高等教育,更是一种职业教育和任职教育。传统的军事体能(体能)教学观认为,教学只是一个教与练的过程,即按照院校传统训练模式,军体教员是主导,教学目的是向学员传授军事体能的训练方法以及基本军事技能。对于学员心理素质的锻造、运动兴趣的培养以及对信息化条件下,复杂多变的战场环境适应性身体能力的教学目标体现的不够明确。传统的军事体能教学与训练观念,已经无法满足信息化条件下新型军事人才的培养要求。如何在实际教学与训练中突出以学员为主体,打破单纯追求技能动作标准化与训练达标的教学模式,突出身体锻炼的实践性和培养学员竞争、对抗与合作等意识,培养学员的创新精神和实践能力,为促进学员身心健康成长,终身自觉参加体育锻炼以及良好的环境适应能力奠定基础。鉴于军事体能教学训练的理论发展相对于实践较为滞后,本文以教学训练理论依据为切入点,综述提高军事体育教学训练的具体措施,只有主客体相处融洽,才能保证体育教学和训练水平的有效提高。 Talent training in military academies is not only higher education but also vocational education and vocational education. The traditional teaching concept of military physical fitness (physical fitness) holds that teaching is only a process of teaching and practicing. That is, according to the traditional training model of colleges and universities, the military teachers are the dominant ones. The teaching aims to teach students military physical training methods and basic military skills. For students psychological forging, training interest in sports and information environment, the complex and changeable physical fitness of the battlefield environment to reflect the lack of clear teaching objectives. The traditional concept of military physical education and training has failed to meet the training requirements of new military personnel under the conditions of informationization. How to highlight the trainees as the main body in the actual teaching and training, breaking the teaching mode of pursuing the standardization and training of the skill movements simply, emphasizing the practicality of the physical exercises and cultivating the students’ competition, confrontation and cooperation and cultivating the innovative spirit and practice of the trainees Ability to promote healthy physical and mental growth of students, lifelong self-consciously participate in physical exercise and good environmental adaptability to lay the foundation. In view of the fact that the theoretical development of military physical education training lags behind the practice, based on the theoretical basis of teaching training, this paper summarizes the concrete measures to improve the training of military physical education. Only by getting along well with each other, can the physical education and training level be effectively improved .
目的 研究肿瘤病房护理安全用药管理措施.方法 我科自2010年以来成立护理安全用药管理小组,制定具体措施并指导实践.结果 肿瘤病房护理安全用药工作取得一定成效.结论 肿瘤病
目的 全面、科学地探讨护士的告知义务,从而指导护理实践,改善护患关系.方法 运用法学理论结合护理实践,探索护士告知义务的内涵、外延、方式方法.结果 护士告知义务源于患者
目的 探讨尼尔雌醇联合局麻药在绝经妇女取环中应用,提高取环成功率.方法 医院要求取环的绝经后的妇女用口服尼尔雌醇一周,术时注射局麻药后再行取环.结果 38例全部取环顺利,