
来源 :北京宣武红旗业余大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mikelee
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不知不觉来红大已经三年了,红大见证了我从一个懵懂的大学毕业生变成了一个稳重的学校管理人员的蜕变。作为一名保卫干事,我非常热爱我的工作,愿意为红大的发展贡献力量。下面就是我自己对红大安全工作的一些理解和感悟。十年树木,百年树人,唯有安全是永恒的话题,学校尤其如此。我负责学校的安全管理工作,这三年中,在领导的带领下对我安全工作也有了自己的一些感悟。最深的感悟就是:强化意识,立足实际,强化教育,夯实责任,狠抓督查。一、学校安全管理必须强化领导意识 Unconsciously, I’ve been in college for three years now. I’ve witnessed the transformation of a university graduate from a ignorant college to a steady school manager. As a security officer, I very much love my work and are willing to contribute to the development of the great society. Here is my own understanding and perception of the security work of Hongda. Ten years of trees, a hundred years of trees, only safety is the eternal topic, especially in schools. I am responsible for the safety management of the school. During the past three years, I also had some insights on the safety work under the leadership of the leadership. The deepest perception is: to strengthen awareness, based on reality, strengthen education, lay a solid responsibility, pay close attention to supervision. First, school safety management must strengthen leadership awareness
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