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8月20日,中华人民共和国国防部官方网站上线试运行,引起国际社会的极大关注。这是中国在继推出国防白皮书和国防部发言人等后,在“军事透明”方面采取的又一重要举措。长期以来,西方一些媒体极尽臆测、造谣之能事,对保持低调的中国军队状况进行猜想式的报道,对中国军队建设和军事战略进行负面解读,妄议中国军备发展情况,试图以西方的立场和视角来塑造中国军队在世界的形象,混淆视听,为所谓的“中国威胁论”制造证据。然而,正如菲律宾《商报》对中国国防部网站上线的评论所言,“中国在经济上和军事上崛起可以起制衡作用,世界会因此变得更加和平和稳定。这确实是一个不争的事实。以中国现在的国力,没有一个国家敢于再像十九、二十世纪那样欺负中国,向中国发动侵略战争;而那些散播中国威胁论的人恰恰就是当年的侵略者。” On August 20, the trial commissioning of the official website of the Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China on the line has aroused great concern from the international community. This is yet another important measure taken by China in the “military transparency” following its launch of the White Paper on Defense and the spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense. For a long time, some western media have made a lot of speculation, rumor can do things, keep a low profile of the Chinese army's conjecture coverage, negatively interpret the Chinese military construction and military strategy, argue China's military development, trying to Western Position and perspective to shape the image of the Chinese army in the world and confuse the public and hear the evidence, so as to create evidence for the so-called “China threat theory.” However, as the Philippine business daily commented on the website of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense, “China's economic and military rise can be counterbalanced and the world will become more peaceful and stable. This is indeed an indisputable The fact is that with the current strength of China, no country dares to bully China again in the same way as the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and launch a war of aggression against China, and those who spread the China threat theory are exactly the aggressors of the year. ”"
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以色列:严格施训培养专才     以色列是世界上唯一对妇女普遍实行义务兵役制的国家,在以色列国防军中,女兵的身影随处可见。  以色列规定,除了已婚怀孕、有犯罪记录及受到所信仰的宗教禁止者外,所有年满18岁的女性都必须服役两年,服役期满后还得随时准备接受征召。服役的女性与男性一样,都要先进行为期4周的新兵训练,训练内容包括基础科目、单兵武器、野外战术等。新兵训练后,大多数女兵被派去从事文书、行政或勤
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