
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cmudh134
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养好花卉不仅需要适时适量地浇水,也需要适时适量喷水。喷水可清洗叶面灰尘,增加空气湿度,降低温度,创造适于花卉生长的小环境。但是喷水也有两重性,运用得好,可促使叶茂花繁;运用不当,轻则影响花卉正常生长,重则导致花卉腐烂死亡。因此,对花卉爱好者来说,掌握喷水的诀窍,逐步摸清自己所栽的花卉哪些需要经常喷水,哪些在什么条件下可喷水,又在什么条件下不宜喷水,是十分重要的。一、喷水的主要作用及注意事项对花卉枝叶喷水,可清洗叶面尘土和施肥时不慎滴在叶面上的污物,保持枝叶清新翠 To raise good flowers not only need timely and appropriate watering, but also need timely and appropriate water. Water spray can clean the leaves of dust, increase air humidity, reduce temperature, to create a suitable environment for the growth of flowers. However, there is also a dual nature of water spray, well used, can promote the flourishing flowers; improper use, ranging from affecting the normal growth of flowers, but also led to the death of flowers decay. Therefore, for flower lovers, it is very important to master the trick of watering and to find out gradually what kind of flower they planted, which water should be sprayed frequently, which water can be sprayed under what conditions, and under what conditions it should not be sprayed. of. First, the main role of water spray and matters needing attention Spray on the flowers and leaves, can clean the foliar dust and fertilizer inadvertently drop the dirt on the foliage, to keep the leaves fresh
  玉米丝黑穗病是由丝轴黑粉菌( Sporisorium reilianum)感染引起的一种严重危害玉米生产的真菌病害,在我国主要流行于东北的春玉米产区。受到感染的玉米植株在早期并不产生
  玉米南方锈病是由病原菌多堆柄锈菌(Puccinia polysora Underw.)引起的一种叶部病害,主要发生在热带和亚热带地区,近年来在温带地区也时有发生,能造成玉米严重减产.挖掘利用
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