规范管理 依法促进——写在《陕西省农业机械管理条例》颁布之时

来源 :中国农机监理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong418
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全国农机监理自去年5月1日三部国家大法实施以来,由于相关的配套法规迟迟没有出台,法律只赋予了我们登记管理拖拉机的职权,但行政许可检查(监督)权、行政处罚权、农机事故处理权限等配套职权不明确,致使农机监理站变成了实际意义上的农机“车管所”,造成了很多负面影响。现在,陕西省人大先行一步,对原《条例》做了22处重大修改,增加了相关条款,使我们翘首以盼的众多问题终于尘埃落定。这对还没有出台和修订地方法规的省份也许有借鉴意义。在全国性配套法规还没有出台以前,各地方要加紧立法进程,使农机监理尽快步入稳定、健康的发展道路,以促进农机化和农业现代化发展。 National Agricultural Machinery Supervision Since the implementation of the Dafa Law of the three countries on May 1 last year, due to the delay of the relevant supporting laws and regulations, the law has only given us the power to register and manage tractors. However, the powers of inspection (supervision), administrative punishment, Agricultural machinery handling authority and other supporting authority is not clear, resulting in agricultural supervision station into a practical sense of agricultural “Vehicle Administration”, resulting in a lot of negative impact. At present, Shaanxi Provincial People’s Congress has taken the first step of making 22 major changes to the original “Regulations,” adding relevant provisions so that the many issues we have been looking forward to are finally settled. It may be useful for those provinces that have not yet promulgated and amended local laws and regulations. Before the national supporting laws and regulations have not yet been promulgated, all localities should step up the legislative process and make the supervision of agricultural machinery enter a steady and healthy path of development as soon as possible in order to promote the development of agricultural mechanization and agricultural modernization.
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