Synthesis,Structure and Highly Enhanced Phosphorescence of a Cadmium(Ⅱ)Coordination Polymer Assemble

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One cadmium(Ⅱ)coordination polymer[Cd(l,4-NDC)(PPIM)2]n(1,1,4-H2NDC = 1,4-na-phthalenedicarboxylic acid,PPIM = 2-propylimidazole),has been synthesized under hydrothermal conditions and structurally characterized by elemental analysis,TGA and X-ray single-crystal diffraction.Complex 1 crystallizes in monoclinic with space group P21/n,a = 8.8292(2),b = 16.6936(4),c = 16.7869(4)?,β = 99.701(2)°,V =2438.86(10)?3,Z= 4,Dc= 1.489 Mg/m3,F(000)= 1112,μ = 0.932 mm-1,S = 1.076,the final R = 0.0360 and wR= 0.0850.In 1,the 1,4-NDC ligand bridges the Cd(Ⅱ)to form a 1D infinite chain,which are connected through N-H…O hydrogen bond to form a 2D layer then to an overall 3D supramolecular structure.The time-resolved measurements indicate that 1 shows highly prolonged phosphorescent lifetime about 452 times in comparison with that of pristine PPIM ligand.Single-crystal analysis and theory calculations indicate that strong coordination bonds and complete separation of HOMOs and LUMOs in the rigid matrix of 1 promote the long-last phosphorescence emission.
【摘 要】目前国内地下给排水管道系统使用的管材主要是混凝土管、钢筋混凝土管、铸铁管。由于其施工工序较复杂、管道接口数目较多、防渗漏不易及时处理,日积月累会造成道路地基下沉,污水渗漏还会污染土质、水源,成为公害。为此,采用具有良好的耐压、质轻、耐腐蚀、环保型HDPE 双壁波纹管管材由于其优异的性能和相对经济的造价在许多各类大型排水工程中得到了广泛的应用。  【关键词】排水;管道;HDPE双壁波纹管;
So far,the synthesis of chiral framework with achiral organic ligand still faces great challenge.Herein,three new coordinated complexes[Zn(btca)Cl]·DMA·N(CH3)
A novel metal-organic framework[Co(BTTA)(H2O)2]n(FJI-H24)has been prepared from H2BTTA ligand and CoCl2,and its structure was determined by single-crystal X-ray
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