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多元化在后现代艺术中是一个被滥用得不能再烂的词,它是机会主义艺术诡辩时最后的挡箭牌。多元化是相对性的,“五岳”之间,是高峰峻岭的多元化,有相似中的差异性。后院的土堆不能与之相提并论多元化。自己幼儿时期的作品,不能相对于自己现在的作品讨论多元化,都是一个人生命的延伸,有同样的DNA印痕。多元化是个小疾,但传染起来也会让人高烧脑热。此病毒可能屏蔽人的艺术判断力,技术因素的,日常情景因素的,材料因素的“新媒体”艺 Diversification is a word that can not be abused in postmodern art. It is the last shield in the art sophistication of opportunism. Diversification is relative, between the “Five Sacred Mountains” is the diversity of peak mountains, there are similar differences. Backyard mound can not be compared with the diversity. My childhood works, can not be compared to their current work to discuss diversity, are an extension of one’s life, have the same DNA imprints. Diversification is a small disease, but contagion can also make people feverish. This virus may shield people’s artistic judgment, technical factors, everyday situation factors, material factors of “new media ” art
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冬天,一条小溪结冰了。冬天不屑地对小溪说:“你看,你是多么弱小、多么不堪一击啊!我只微微吹了一口寒风,就把你冻僵了。”  “无论什么力量,都无法阻止我流向大海。”小溪坚定地说。  “冰冻得连脚步都迈不开了,你怎么流向大海呢?”  “冰冻,那是我等待流向大海的一个姿势。”  “等待?你等待什么呢?”  “等待春天。”小溪说,“等待,也是我流向大海的一个步骤。”  冬天听到春天,面色苍白。  若子摘自
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
最新资料显示,每年全球新患原发性肝癌(肝癌)人数为62.6万人,因肝癌死亡者高达59.8万人,位居全球恶性肿瘤发病率第6位,死亡原因第3位[1]。而我国肝癌病死率在各种 The lates
笔者亦曾长久从事文学播音工作,艺术积累虽欠缺,但在工作实践中沉淀的感悟良多,愿与业内同仁交流。 I also have long been engaged in literary broadcasting, although th