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1994年10月24日,对于全世界的华人来说,是一个值得庆贺的日子。在荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹南方体育馆的室内运动场里,面对来自世界各地25个城市的近1500名华人代表,全荷华人体育总会主席杨华根先生异常兴奋地宣布:“第十届全荷华人体育运动会暨世界华人友谊邀请赛开幕了!”刹那间.锣鼓齐鸣,雄狮劲舞。在组委会的悉心准备下,侨居荷兰的武学大师费玉梁率其满门弟子表演了精彩的太极拳、醉拳、长拳、硬气功等节目,出神入化的中国武术使全场观众看得如醉如痴。而传统的舞龙及舞北狮表演更表现出鲜明的中华民族特色,将开幕式的气氛推向了高潮。这实在是一次难得的世界华人大聚会。在接到组委会的邀请后,近1500名华人立即坐飞机、乘火车,甚 On October 24, 1994, it is a celebration of the Chinese people all over the world. In the indoor stadium of the Amsterdam Arena in the Netherlands, in the face of nearly 1,500 Chinese delegates from 25 cities around the world, All-China Sports Federation President Yang Huagan announced with great excitement: “The 10th All-China Sports Federation And the opening ceremony of the World Chinese Friendship Tournament! ”In an instant, gongs and drums roar, lion dance. With the preparation of the Organizing Committee, Fei Yu-leung, a master of martial arts who resided in the Netherlands, led the audience to perform spectacular Taijiquan, Drunken Boxing, Changquan and Hard Qigong programs with superlative Chinese martial arts Intoxicated. However, the traditional performances of the dragon dance and the north lion show more distinctive Chinese characteristics and pushed the atmosphere of the opening ceremony to a climax. This is really a rare world Chinese party. After receiving the invitation of the Organizing Committee, nearly 1,500 Chinese immediately flew by plane and took the train
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