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储户在存折挂失后,凭所在单位证明予以补办,在会计档案保管期限内挂失存折再现不会酿成经济纠纷。但会计档案销毁后挂失存折若出现,不应该发生的经济纠纷就难避免了。1991年4月,剑阁县林业局一职工,持原剑阁县林业指挥部在1961年存入县人民银行120元的存折取款,因1972年前的会计档案已经销毁,银行内部已无这笔存款帐。银行几位老会计分析,可能当时是挂失,凭证明已取了款。事实即使如此,口说也难以为凭。该县香沉乡信用社也曾出 After the depositors report the loss in the passbook, they will be re-submitted with the proof of the unit they belong to, and the failure to report the failure of the passbook in the period of keeping the accounting records will not lead to economic disputes. However, if the accounting records are destroyed, the economic disputes that should not have occurred will be hard to avoid. In April 1991, a staff member of the Jiange County Forestry Bureau took a deposit of 120 yuan from the People’s Bank of China, which was formerly owned by the forestry headquarters of Jiange County, in 1961 for withdrawing the account. Since the accounting records before 1972 were destroyed, the bank did not have the deposit account . Several old bank accounting analysis, may be reported at the loss, with proof that the money has been taken. Even so, the fact is hard to justify. Hong Shen County Credit Cooperatives have also been out
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。骏马——献给西部@赵宁$四川会理县人武部!副部长 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to
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