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本世纪初,荣毅仁的伯父荣宗敬、父亲荣德生兄弟俩白手起家创办实业,在二、三十年代成为中国的“面粉大王”和“棉纱大王”,从他们的企业发展历程中,我们或许能得到些启示.这对市场经济中现代企业的经营不无借鉴之处.一、行商与坐贾1902年初,荣氏兄弟创办的第一家实业——茂新面粉厂在无锡投产.但由于当地群众对新事物本能的抵制,机制面粉严重积压.这时一个名叫王禹卿的人向荣宗敬建议:南方食米,北方食面,销售偏于苏沪隅与然不行,应远销山东以北.荣宗敬立即聘用王禹卿.王奔赴烟台,只一个月便将存货全部售出.次年驻营口三个月,销面粉二十万包,荣氏兄弟摆脱了第一场危机.这件事给我们两点启示:第一、对市场的把握是企业生存的关键.必须仔细研究产品的销售市场与方向,主动出击,才能赢得市场.由“坐贾”变“行商”是市场经济时代取胜的关键.第二,销售人才的作用至关重要.王禹卿的成功关非偶然,从他以后出资与荣氏兄弟合伙,成为荣氏集团这只宝鼎的-足可以看 At the beginning of this century, Rong Yiren’s uncle Rao Zongjing and his father Rong Desheng’s brothers started their own business from scratch. In the 2030’s and 1930’s, they became China’s “Flour King” and “Cotton King”. From their business development history, we may be able to Get some inspiration. This is a reference to the operation of modern enterprises in the market economy. I. Traders and merchants In early 1902, the first industry founded by the Rongshi Brothers, Maoxin Flour Mill was put into production in Wuxi, but due to local The masses resisted the instinct for new things, and the mechanism was seriously understapped. At this time, a person named Wang Xiqing proposed to Xiang Rongzong: The rice in the south, the northern noodle, and the sales in Jiangsu and Shanghai are not good enough, and they should be sold far north of Shandong. Rong Zongjing immediately hired Wang Xiqing. Wang Ben went to Yantai and sold all of his inventory in only one month. In the following year, he stayed in the mouth for three months and sold 200,000 bales of flour. The Rong brothers got rid of the first crisis. This gave Our two revelations: First, the grasp of the market is the key to business survival. We must carefully study the sales market and direction of products, and take the initiative to win the market. Changing from the “sit” to “business” is the victory of the market economy era. The role of the second key sales personnel Wang Yu Qing critical success off of non-accidental, and later from his investment partnership Rong brothers, became only Bodine Wing’s group - can see the foot
互联网金融的高速发展,为深陷融资困境的小微企业带来了新的曙光。本文主要介绍了基于互联网金融的小微企业融资模式发展策略。 The rapid development of Internet finance