155起涉农纠纷案 调撤率100%——为了155位农民兄弟

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日前,北京市第一中级法院团河法庭成功调处一批涉农涉众产品质量纠纷案件。155起案件中,调解150件,撤诉5件,调撤率100%,且全部调解案件款项当庭执行完毕。案件处理结果不仅有效化解了当事人之间的矛盾,还避免了可能引发的群体性涉诉信访,充分保障了各方当事人的合法权益,得到了当事人的大力称赞,收到了很好的法律效果和社会效果。该批案件是因蔬菜种子质量问题引发的纠纷,涉及种子生产公司、经销商、农户等多方当事人,且155名农户分布在北京、山东多地。针对当事人众多、分布范围广、案件敏感性强等特点,团河法庭统筹部署、深入调查、灵活应对,为案件处理打下坚实基础。案件审理过程中,团河法庭先后召开4次部署会,对传唤当事人、开庭审理、当庭裁判等各个环节作了统一安排,对可能出现的问题提前预判,制定了周详预案;3次召开案情专题分析研讨会,确保所有办案人员准确把握案件。为查明案件事实,法官先远赴山东,深入田间地头,实地调查取证近一周时间,后又前往辖区调查取证5次,走访十余个村集体经济组织,先后制作了20多份调查笔录,并认真严格审查了卷宗中的所有证据材料,最终基本还原了每个案件的真实情况,分清了是非责任,为后续调解方案的提出奠定了基础。 Recently, the First Intermediate Court of Beijing Tanghe Court successfully mediated a number of product-related disputes involving the quality of agricultural products. Of the 155 cases, 150 cases were conciliated, 5 cases were withdrawn and 100% were withdrawn and withdrawn, with the total amount of mediation cases completed in court. The results of the case handling not only effectively resolved the contradictions between the parties, but also avoided the possible group letters and visits involving petitions, fully protected the lawful rights and interests of all parties, received the vigorous praises of the parties and received good legal effects Social effect The cases were caused by disputes over the quality of vegetable seeds and involved parties such as seed production companies, distributors and farmers, and 155 farmers were located in Beijing and Shandong. In view of the large number of parties, a wide range of distribution, the sensitivity of the case and so on, the Tuanhe Tribunal co-ordinates deployment, in-depth investigation and flexible response, laying a solid foundation for the handling of the case. During the hearing of the case, the Tuanhe Tribunal held four deployment meetings in succession, making unified arrangements for summoning parties, trial hearings and court adjudicates, and made pre-judgment on possible problems and formulated detailed plans; held three times Case study symposium to ensure that all investigators accurately grasp the case. In order to ascertain the facts of the case, the judge first went to Shandong and went deep into the field to conduct field investigation and evidence collection for nearly a week before going to the area for investigation and evidence collection and visiting more than 10 village collective economic organizations. Over 20 investigation transcripts were successively produced, And seriously scrutinized all the evidences in the files. Ultimately, the actual situation of each case was basically restored, the non-liability was clarified, and the foundation for the subsequent mediation plan was laid.
1 世界第二位太空游客成行 □□2002年4月25日莫斯科时间10∶26,载有世界第2位太空游客马克·沙特尔沃思、俄罗斯航天员尤里·吉德津科和意大利航天员罗伯特·维托里的联盟号
黑夜滋长忧伤的花簇,细雨倾诉,废弃厂房的孤独。  高考结束,她落榜不愿复读,偷偷远离故土,如小鸟振翅,脱离家的束缚,踏上打工的尘途。  都市的景物,炫人耳目。她做酒吧前台,艳羡他人挥金如土。  低微的收入,交了房租,不夠支出。闺蜜怂恿她向高利贷借助。  日常开支反反复复,债台高筑,她彷徨踯躅。  高利贷老板撂下狠话:“再不还钱,叫你身首异处!”  冷风呼呼,她在被窝里大哭,泪水汩汩,终于拨通父母的
在供电系统中发现故障必须有相应的保护装置将故障部分及时从系统中切除,以保护非故障部分的继续工作,或发出报警信号,以便运行人员检查并采取消除故障的措施。 In the powe