内江锻压机床厂实施内部改革,强化内部管理,抓产品质量和技术改造不松劲,努力研制和开发新产品,市场不断扩大,效益不断增加,“八五”期间创产值14576万元(为90年不变价),实现销售收入19194万元,利税2308万元,具备了向国内外市场提供10大系列50余种型号压力机的能力。 “八五”期间,正是企业由计划经济转为市场经济的
The Neijiang Forging Machine Tool Factory implemented internal reforms, strengthened internal management, focused on product quality and technological transformation, and worked hard to develop and develop new products. The market continued to expand and the benefits continued to increase. During the Eighth Five-Year Plan period, the production value reached 146.76 million yuan (90 years Constant price), to achieve sales of 194.94 million yuan, profits and taxes 23.08 million yuan, with the domestic and foreign markets to provide 10 series of more than 50 models of press capacity. During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, it was the enterprises that changed from a planned economy to a market economy.