On the Subjective Expression of Contemporary Chinese Concept Photography

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  abstract:Concept photography is an artistic creation with personal ideas through different photographic media.The creative techniques of contemporary Chinese concept photography are various,the theme of creation also involves various fields of social life.Photographers use image language to express their understanding and interpretation of things.In the process of creation,the photographer added the idea and connotation of personal subjectivity,and their work are used for guiding the viewer to reflect and think about such things.
  Key words:concept photography;subjectivity;image language
  一、The development of Chinese concept photography
  Concept photography has experienced a long development stage since it was introduced into China,early concept photography as a visual tool to criticizes China's current politics,it was not until the 21st century that the public accepted the early non mainstream photography practice .Concept photography has been changed from the old to the new in the form and content of creation .
  In China in the 1980s,photography was a simple record of social development,ostensibly simplifying the diversity of art itself. With the progress of social development and the continuous opening of cultural policies,photographers gradually tried to integrate their subjective ideas and critical consciousness into the process of continuous image recording. Photographers such as Gu Zheng,Wang Yaodong and other photographers constantly stimulated people's understanding of the image narrative technique. These conceptual works made a new interpretation of people's living space from a unique point of view and contributed to the controversial cultural background at that time His meager strength.
  Until the end of the 20th century and the 21st century,the Chinese concept photography dishes were really on the right track,and the increasing demand for images and new ideas such as photography made the way of image creation more bold and innovative,such as Wang Jinsong's “Baisong Pictures”,“Standard Family”,Ma Liang's “Homesickness”,Liu Zheng's “Chinese People” and “The Three Kingdoms”. These artists reached a good balance between image creation and personal subjective thinking. Through different media,images and art were integrated together,and more profound cultural elements were injected into them,which became a breakthrough in artistic creation.
  二、Subjective Expression in Chinese Concept Photography   The biggest characteristic of conceptual photography is that the expression of individual subjectivity is added to the process of image creation,which is one of the most essential characteristics of conceptual photography. The author of concept photography should bear the brunt of thinking about how to express his ideas in the image creation,and photography not only acts as a "language" tool which subjective ideas are given to other forms of art and photography,and the relationship between them,and the relationship between them is well weighed. Image language will acquire new concepts. Photographer's subjective expression is very important. It determines being a photographer In concept photography,photographer is a director with strong subjective tendency.
  For example,photographer Yao Lu's famous work,“Chinese Landscape ”,takes the waste garbage covered by the green dustproof cloth everywhere in Beijing today as the material,and adds a few pavilions and boats of ancient Chinese landscape paintings to the picture through superb later technology. Pieced together into a seemingly carefully conceived green landscape picture. Yao Lu used the technique of misappropriation in his creation,and skillfully transformed the mechanical technique "copy" into an innovative form of expressing his subjective ideas. Or Fan Shunzan's “how much time reality gives to dreams ”,the difference between reality and dreams in a symmetrical tone of the picture so that the viewer can see,this kind of The intuitive form of expression is mixed with Xu Fan Shunzan's subjective shaping of the characters in the picture. The information conveyed by the work itself is not only refreshing,but also easy to arouse the spiritual resonance of the viewer to these living at the bottom of the society.
  三、Reflection on Chinese Contemporary Concept Photography
  Because of the particularity of conceptual photography and the difference of image creation,there is no fixed standard for the image formation of conceptual photography,and because of the maturity of contemporary photography technology and the wide popularization of shooting tools,the space and ability of mass participation in image creation are greatly improved. The skillful mixture will make the photographer blind the core idea of creation,and the image away from the subjective theme of the photographer will only be a shell.
  Nowadays,the image works created by Chinese contemporary concept photography are full of flowers,and the perspective of photographers also falls in every corner of social life. Many works emphasize the relationship between "see" and "be seen ". Photographers are trying to reproduce a free imagination and real society image space. China's current environment allows photographers to have their own unique perspective,in the cultural diversity of today,Chinese concept photography has a better opportunity and broader development space.
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【摘要】现如今,社会已然进入了新媒体时代,新媒体时代的到来给设计领域带来了极大的影响,使得视觉传达设计发生了极大的变化,拓展了视觉传达设计的设计思路和发展空间,使视觉传达设计在新时期呈现出了新的特征。在新的时代背景下,视觉传达设计如何借助新媒体实现设计创新值得当代设计者深刻思考,本文分析了新媒体的特点以及新媒体的发展对于视觉传达设计的影响,并提出了新媒体时代下视觉传达设计创新的相关路径。  【关键
【摘要】隧道段是高速公路的瓶颈,经常成为高速公路事故的黑点路段这个隧道交通的特殊性使交通事故更接近驾驶心理这个隧道段驾驶心理变化过程及隧道环境对行车安全的影响分析驾驶心理已成为保证道路安全的关键背杠。根据实际测试数据资料,结合理论模型分析,确定了隧道段的心率曲线和心率与车速变化的关系,运用色彩理论,通过matlab进行趋势面分析,为隧道环境分析和事故理论研究铺平了道路。  【关键词】隧道景观;色彩
【摘要】职业院校是培养高素质劳动者的重要阵地,新时代的劳动者必须具有“工匠精神”,这是劳动者成长发展之源。职业院校要加强培育学生“工匠精神”的策略研究,要聚焦制度标准,聚焦产教融合,聚焦德技兼修。  【关键词】工匠精神;三全四方六维;育人  新时代的工匠精神,不仅是对传统工匠精神的继承和发扬,也是对外国工匠精神的学习借鉴,它是劳动精神在新时代的一种新的实现形式。它与劳模精神、劳动精神构成一个完整的
【摘要】随着我国工业化、城镇化加速发展和经济全球化不断深入,环境污染问题越发突出,口罩日益成为人们对抗污染的必需品;2020年新冠疫情的爆发,口罩需求量与日俱增。市场上的口罩,在功能与外观性上存在较多不足,对此,我们带着这些问题,我们从口罩的功能、外观、型号等方面对口罩进行了创新设计与研究。  【关键词】环境污染;新冠疫情;口罩;需求;功能;外观;型号;创新;设计  一、研究背景  1、国内外研究
【摘要】 2018年9月10日,习近平总书记在全国教育大会上发表重要讲话,明确指出要坚持扎根中国大地辦教育。为了准确把握这一新论断的科学内涵,需要我们坚持马克思主义为指导,结合中国发展的具体实际,不断总结教育发展过程中的具体经验,创造出有中国特色的世界水平的现代教育。  【关键词】 全国教育大会;扎根中国大地;现代教育  党的十八以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央对我国教育改革的发展形成了一系列的新
【摘要】现如今国家对学生教育的重视程度不断加深,要求他们在探索知识点的过程中,不断增强自身的综合素养。对于建筑设计教学来说,教师应根据学生的学习现状,积极将课程思政融入到教学中,促使学生在教师的带领下,不断促进自身全面发展。本文主要对课程思政在建筑设计教学中的应用进行浅析。  【关键词】课程思政;建筑设计教学;应用  引言:  对于高校的学生来说,他们的思维正处于发展的关键时期,对周围事物正处于认
【摘要】本文论述了做一名合格思想政治工作者具有的素质水平和能力。  【关键词】思想政治工作者;具备;政治素质;专业能力  思想政治工作者是精神灵魂工程工程师,必须具有与之匹配的思想政治素质和专业能力。  一、要不断提升思想政治工作理论水平。理论是思想政治工作的先导。一是要有政治理论水平。要深化马克思主义原著原理的学习。不断提高马克思主义哲学、政治经济学、科学社会主义理论水平。要熟练掌握辩证唯物主义
【摘要】中心极限定理是概率论与数理统计课程中一个非常重要的定理,衔接着概率论的知识与数理统计的相关知识,既是教学重点又是难点。中心极限定理证明了,一般的情况下,无论随机变量服从什么样的分布,个相互独立的随机变量的和,当趋向于无穷大时的极限分布,就是正态分布。本文仅介绍其中两个最基本的中心极限定理,并通过举例简介它的应用。  【关键词】中心极限定理;正态分布;随机变量;应用  在概率论与数理统计中,