
来源 :国外油气勘探 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengxiaogang
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在所有的产油气盆地中,绝大多数的油、气储量集中在少数油气田内。油、气储量的这种分布格局是油气在盆地范围内侧向和垂向运移过程中相对“富集”的结果。尽管涉及烃类运移的物理化学过程和地质过程尚未被完全理解,但侧向运移的方向仍可通过综合地质的、地球物理的和地球化学的数据来确定。这里应用了石油体系概念。在把石油体系数据与控制良好的区域构造图结合起来的情况下,烃类富集的区域(即运移集中)可定义为勘探潜力最大的区域。在本文中,评述了东委内瑞拉盆地和哥伦比亚雅诺斯(Llanos)盆地区的某些基本石油地质数据。利用公开发表的布格重力图作为区域构造图所推测的侧向运移区则显示为最大油气富集区。这就导致一种勘探方法,在该方法中,石油体系数据和区域性的(重力或其他数据)构造图被用来估价一个区域的勘探价值而所用的时间、人力和物力最少。 In all of the gas-producing basins, the vast majority of oil and gas reserves are concentrated in a few oil and gas fields. This distribution pattern of oil and gas reserves is the result of relative “enrichment” during the lateral and vertical migration of oil and gas in the basin. Although the physicochemical processes and geological processes involving hydrocarbon migration are not fully understood, the direction of lateral migration can still be determined by comprehensive geophysical, geophysical, and geochemical data. The concept of petroleum system is applied here. In the context of combining petroleum system data with well-controlled regional tectonics, hydrocarbon-rich areas (ie, migration concentrations) can be defined as the areas of greatest exploration potential. In this paper, we review some of the basic petroleum geological data for the eastern Venezuela basin and the Llanos basin area of ​​Colombia. The lateral migration zone, which is presumed by using the published Bouguer gravity map as the regional tectonic map, is shown as the largest oil and gas accumulation area. This led to an exploration method in which petroleum system data and regional (gravity or other data) maps were used to estimate the value of exploration in a region with the least amount of time, manpower and material resources.
我与火花重新接触不过两年时间,但儿时即知“火花”这两字,也曾与邮票一起搜集,可惜在“文革”期间毁于动乱,一断就是几十年。 我思想比较守旧,两年前开始从事火花经营。曾
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以NaX13型分子筛为载体,固载一种新型五齿氮、氧希夫碱Ni(Ⅱ)配合物.在分子氧条件下,考察了其对苯乙烯氧化成芳醛反应的催化性能. NaX 13 molecular sieve as a carrier, immobilized w
2003年7月,我从南苑乡教委调任石榴庄小学校长。上任后不久,一位教师要做区级研讨课。试讲时,课讲得非常糟糕,存在很多的问题:一节课连一道数学例题都没讲完,重难点突破之处的教法设计观念陈旧,学生和教师都不在状态。在分析这节课时,授课教师也承认课上得不好,并希望中层干部能指导她,帮助她解决教学中存在的问题。  随后,我找到教学主管领导,希望能够研究出一个可行的解决方案,但主管领导说教师的教学问题与自