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在加快两个转变的时候,电力修造企业遇到了较大的困难,真正感觉到了体制转变中的阵痛。有的企业没活干,已连续多年亏损;有的企业产品单一,机制不活,也到了亏损的边缘。主管局为了帮助电力修造企业健康地走上市场,曾采取了不少措施和办法,但效果并不理想。问题在哪里?应该说在企业的内部。“外因是条件,内因是根据。”只有内部有了变革的要求,加上适宜的外部环境,就会出现好的结果。相反,外部支持再大,内部总是有消极依赖的思想,那么企业就会失去机会,从而越来越困难。在修造企业进入市场中,往往会听到这样的要求:除请求主管局继续给予一定的保护外,还要求每年给一定数额的补贴,或给些小型基建拨款,或给些低息的流动资金贷款,等等。但是这些问题解决后,企业是否就具有了活力,就能在市场经济的博击中,自己发展壮大呢?实践证明,企业实力的增强,竞争能力的提高,不主要是靠以上问题达到的。电力修造企业要进入市场,关键要解决以下几个问题: While accelerating the two transitions, power-building companies encountered greater difficulties and truly felt the pain of institutional change. Some companies have not worked hard and have been losing money for many years. Some companies have a single product, the mechanism is not alive, and they are on the verge of losses. In order to help power-building companies to embark on the market healthily, the Office has taken many measures and measures, but the effect is not satisfactory. Where is the problem? It should be said within the company. “External factors are conditions, and internal factors are the basis.” Only if internal requirements for change, coupled with a suitable external environment, will result in good results. On the contrary, if external support is even greater, there is always an idea of ​​negative dependence within the enterprise, and then companies will lose opportunities and become more and more difficult. In building companies entering the market, they often hear such requests: In addition to requesting the Office to continue to provide certain protection, they also require a certain amount of subsidies each year, or some minor infrastructure funds, or some low interest rate liquidity. Loans, etc. However, after these problems are solved, does the company have the vitality and can develop itself and grow in the market economy? The practice has proved that the enhancement of the enterprise’s strength and the improvement of its competitiveness are not mainly achieved through the above problems. In order to enter the market, electric power repair companies must solve the following problems:
90年前(1925年)的一个春天, 蒙塔古·罗德斯·詹姆士发表了他最脍炙人口的恐怖小说之一《从山顶眺望》(A View from a Hill)。故事发生在6月一个炎热的下午,一位名为范肖的剑桥学者来到他朋友斯夸尔·理查兹的家乡——一个坐落在英格兰西南部的偏远乡村。理查兹提出傍晚到附近的一座山顶走走,从那儿可以俯瞰整个乡村的风景。范肖问他能否借一个双筒望远镜。一番犹豫后,理查兹递给他一个光滑的木盒
运用工业经济评价考核指标体系来分析云南冶金集团总公司从厅局转变为集团总公司过程中经济效益的情况。数据值取用于第三次工业普查资料计算。 The use of industrial econ