重视助产技术的应用 合理降低剖宫产率

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目的:了解重视助产技术对降低剖宫产率的影响。方法:将2008年1月~2010年1月萧山区第三人民医院产科的550例产妇随机分为改良组350例,对照组200例,所有产妇的文化背景、胎位情况无统计学差异。对照组产妇的助产模式按一般方式进行;而对改良组产妇的助产采用“一对一”模式,指定护士长监督责任医生实施“一对一”助产模式。结果:两组产妇剖宫产构成比及阴道产构成比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组产妇剖宫产指征构成比比较显示,宫内窘迫、宫缩乏力、其他因素和头盆不正指征构成比差异有统计学意义;社会因素指征构成比无统计学差异。两组产妇阴道产产程及产后出血量对比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:重视助产技术能降低分娩过程中胎儿窘迫及宫缩乏力等剖宫产指征的发生,进而降低剖宫产率。 Objectives: To understand the importance of midwifery techniques to reduce cesarean section rates. Methods: From January 2008 to January 2010, 550 maternal obstetric patients in Xiaoshan Third People’s Hospital were randomly divided into modified group of 350 cases and control group of 200 cases. All maternal cultural background and fetal position had no statistical difference. In the control group, the midwifery mode of the mother was conducted in a normal manner; while the midwifery of the improved group of women adopted the “one to one” model, the designated head nurse responsible for the implementation of the “one to one” midwifery model. Results: The proportions of cesarean section and the constituent ratio of vagina in two groups were statistically significant (P <0.05). Comparison of the indications of cesarean section between the two groups showed that there were significant differences in the constituent ratios of intrauterine distress, uterine atony, other factors and malformation of the head basin. There was no significant difference in the index of social factors. The two groups of vaginal delivery labor and postpartum hemorrhage comparison, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion: Emphasis on midwifery technique can reduce the incidence of cesarean section indications such as fetal distress and uterine inertia during labor, and then reduce the rate of cesarean section.
目的 研究全程健康教育护理临床路径对降低冠心病患者并发症发生的影响。方法选择接受冠心病治疗患者176例,按数字表法随机分成观察组(88例)和对照组(88例)。观察组整个治疗期间均按照全程健康教育护理临床路径;对照组按照传统护理临床路径模式。对比两组患者健康知识掌握情况,并观察乳头肌功能失调、心脏破裂、心肌梗死、心室壁瘤等发生率及患者满意程度。结果两组患者满意程度观察组十分满意占65.34%,较满意
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