Single Buffer Using Perovskite-like RE_2Zr_2O_7 Oxides for High Temperature Superconducting Coated C

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jxj198711
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Single buffer layers of either Gd2Zr2O7 (GZO) or La2Zr2O7 (LZO) with different thickness on highly textured Ni-W tapes were compared with respective to the application of YBa2Cu3O7-δ coated conductors. The superconducting performances are improved as the buffer thickness of GZO or LZO increases up to a critical value, such as 310 and 240 nm, respectively. This suggests that a thin buffer layer is insufficient to prevent the Ni diffusion. If the buffer thickness increases further, the superconducting properties degrade, probably due to changes in the microstructure and degradation of the buffer texture. Comparing with LZO, the texture of GZO is hardly dependent on its thickness, due to smaller mismatch for its lattice with that of Ni-W. For both single buffered coated conductors, the superconducting transition temperatures are around 92 K with a transition width less than 1 K. Inductive measurement reveals that the critical current density (Jc) at 77 K in self-field, reaches 1.2 MA/cm2 and 0.77 MA/cm2 for GZO, and LZO, respectively. This implies that the single buffers of GZO and LZO are comparable to standard buffer architectures such as CeO2/YSZ/Y2O3 or CeO2/LZO, being promising for the process simplification and cost reduction. Single buffer layers of either Gd2Zr2O7 (GZO) or La2Zr2O7 (LZO) with different thickness on highly textured Ni-W tapes were compared with the corresponding to the application of YBa2Cu3O7-δ coated conductors. The superconducting performances are improved as the buffer thickness of GZO or LZO increases up to a critical value, such as 310 and 240 nm, respectively. This suggests that a thin buffer layer is insufficient to prevent the Ni diffusion. If the buffer thickness increases further, the superconducting properties degrade, probably due to changes in the microstructure and degradation of the buffer texture. Comparing with LZO, the texture of GZO is hardly dependent on its thickness, due to smaller mismatch for its lattice with that of Ni-W. For both single buffered coated conductors, the superconducting transition temperatures are around 92 K with a transition width less than 1 K. Inductive measurement reveals that the critical current density (Jc) at 77 K in self-field, reaching 1.2 MA / cm2 and 0.77 MA / cm2 for GZO, and LZO, respectively. This implies that the single buffers of GZO and LZO are comparable to standard buffer architectures such as CeO2 / YSZ / Y2O3 or CeO2 / LZO, being promising for the process simplification and cost reduction .
编者按:2017年珠峰攀登季已经结束,但简丹的名字却依然被驴友和山友们频繁提及。在5月22日到5月26日的5个日夜里,简丹完成了世界第一高峰珠穆朗玛峰与世界第四高峰洛子峰的登顶,成为中国首位双峰连登的登山者,而让此番经历听起来更具传奇色彩的是,她只用一年时间就实现了从个人第一座山,到世界之巅珠穆朗玛峰的挑战。  在加德满都进行珠峰攀登前准备的时候,简丹在朋友圈和常去的户外论坛留下一张自拍照,想为即
Mg-doped ZnO radial spherical structures with nanorods grown on both sides of the spherical shell were successfully prepared via chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
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